
Well Known Member
Working on refining my AoA calibration and seem to be having some issues that I'm probably overthinking. Couldn't find the answers in the Garmin guide or on the board so here we go.

When doing all these calibrations do you set it up for a typical landing configuration ie Full flaps, focused on IAS and basing everything of SO V-speed. In my RV-10 full flaps stall seems to be around 53 kts.

This is order the G3X manual suggests and my thoughts on the test.

  • Minimum Visible - Full flaps, in level flight 1.5 (80 kts)
  • Caution Alert - Full flaps, in level flight 1.1 (58 kts)
  • Stall Warning - Full flaps, guide states doing a power-off stall so around 53 kts. Do I need to execute a full break stall or just get it to an almost stall... ie maybe right at 53 and hit calibrate. Yesterday I did a full break and didn't hit calibrate until I recovered and was climbing... which I'm guessing threw everything off.
  • Approach Target - Full flaps, descending 500 fpm 1.3 (79) kts. Again might be overthinking this, do I actually need to descend 500 fpm, or would I get the same AOA just full flaps, level flight at around 79?
