Garage Guy

Well Known Member
Here's what I want:

OK, of course, no way I'm going to get a full G3000 panel.

But that GTC 570 controller sure looks good. Is Garmin finally getting some decent user interface design talent in house? Or did they just contract it out?

And when will it trickle down to a MFD that fits in my RV, and that I can afford...?

Here's what I want:

OK, of course, no way I'm going to get a full G3000 panel.

But that GTC 570 controller sure looks good. Is Garmin finally getting some decent user interface design talent in house? Or did they just contract it out?

And when will it trickle down to a MFD that fits in my RV, and that I can afford...?

I want one too! Makes the knob ridden 1000 look ancient! :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Touch Screen in Turbulence

Having used touch screen cell phones, I have to wonder: How difficult will it be to use a touch screen G3000 at arm's length in turbulence? I think I would prefer physical buttons and knobs.

-- Art Z.
I dunno, seems unlikely Garmin's going to be oblivious to the turbulence issue... It's designed for light jets, and light jets do see turbulence.

The way I look at it, until there's really good voice recognition or brainwave reading, you're going to control stuff in your plane by touching something. A touchscreen has some disadvantages over knobs and buttons, like no direct tactile feedback, but some advantages, like programability of function and visual and aural feedback; and if that's done well, it should work. Here's some live demos of the GTC 570 prototype, and it looks pretty good I think:

Anyway, we shall see. Certification and delivery not expected until late 2011, so they have some more time to work on it.

Sounds like a great system. If the G1000 is any guide, the G3k will probably cost $150k to 250k.

If you need to have Garmin amd are only occasionally fly IFR, the G3X's price/performance point is hard to beat. For lots of IFR, the G900 would be nice, but it ain't cheap...