
How sweet would it be to have a Garmin G1000 dual screen setup in a Rv8. I did some measureing and it looks like both screens and the audio peice will all fit.

Now comes the question will they ever make enough to start selling them for kits. and what will they cost straight out. needless to say i think it would be VERY neat.
Yes it would be neat to have the G1000. I am thinking that the cost will be up in the $20k+ for it though so I don't think I well be able to afford one any time soon.

I do have one concern with some of these super expensive all in one PFD systems. When you put all your eggs in one basket and the thing fails then how much does it cost to fix it? It is not like single instruments where you can just replace on thing and be out a few hundred or maybe a thousand dollars. When that thing fails it might cost you a ton if it is not under warranty. Once you get into the computer world the expected product life cycle seems to drop...if it costs me big $$$ I do not want to feel like it NEEDs replacing after 10 years (or less). Ok I got off the subject...just what I am thinking that is all. Yes I do like computer stuff though and would love just about any PFD system.

off subject

I really like the quote by Benjamin Franklin... one of my favorites. It is on a plaque inside the Statue of Liberty, somewhere as you climb the stairs.
Mark Andrews N598X
I was just speaking to some Garmin folks this week about this very issue, and when asked about the G1000 for experimentals, the response was an emphatic..."No time soon". They are REALLY busy just trying to keep up with certified planes, and there are a few other reasons.

Because it's an "all in one unit", it must be designed for a particular installation, airfram & engine combination. Knowing that very few experimentals end up the same, this would be a nightmare for them at the moment.

Don't count on them being available in the next 2 years, except from a salvage yard, and then good luck getting support form Garmin.

Just what I've heard!

Email from the Field Service Engineer

This is a reply to an email I sent asking if the g1000 will be available for experimentals.


Thank you for your interest in Garmin. Our newest product, the G1000
Integrated Avionics System, combines GPS, NAV, COM, attitude, air data,
engine instrumentation and more all on a Primary Flight Display &
Multi-Function Display. This technology will initially be available
the purchase of a variety of new 2004 airplanes. Garmin's best
are to make the technology available to many different airframes, but
due to
the labor intensive certification required for each individual
airframe, we
regret that retrofit application will not be available for 3 to 5 years
The foundation for G1000 has been built from the GNS 530/430 products
are currently available for most airplanes. We are also pleased to
the Apollo product line, including the MX 20 and CNX 80. Please
visit for the latest developments and opportunities for
Garmin's G1000 technology, and all Garmin products!

All our installation manuals are on the dealers only web site. If you
require one please contact your dealer

George W. Koelsch
Garmin International
Field Service Engineer
[email protected]


Hope this info is useful.
Manny said:
This is a reply to an email I sent asking if the g1000 will be available for experimentals.


Thank you for your interest in Garmin. Our newest product, the G1000
Integrated Avionics System, combines GPS, NAV, COM, attitude, air data,
engine instrumentation and more all on a Primary Flight Display &
Multi-Function Display. This technology will initially be available
the purchase of a variety of new 2004 airplanes. Garmin's best
are to make the technology available to many different airframes, but
due to
the labor intensive certification required for each individual
airframe, we
regret that retrofit application will not be available for 3 to 5 years
The foundation for G1000 has been built from the GNS 530/430 products
are currently available for most airplanes. We are also pleased to
the Apollo product line, including the MX 20 and CNX 80. Please
visit for the latest developments and opportunities for
Garmin's G1000 technology, and all Garmin products!

All our installation manuals are on the dealers only web site. If you
require one please contact your dealer

George W. Koelsch
Garmin International
Field Service Engineer
[email protected]


Hope this info is useful.

About 10 months ago we had a customer come to us asking about installing a Garmin 1000 system in his Piper Chieftan.
The above letter is almost word for word the same as the response we got from Garmin at that time. Looks like not much has changed in the past 10 months.
I would also suspect that when these are available because they are certified units I would suspect the cost would be well outside the budget of most RV builders.
as soon as the technology gets a little older and they catch up on all the demand it will get to a point where you can buy one and throw it in anything.

Technogy's curve states this also supply and demand as soon as they run out of future growth they will look toward expansion in smaller areas to find new cash just give it a few years...
It'll cost more than the rest of the airplane

There was an article in Aviation Consumer guessing that it would cost > $65K, if it were available for retrofit or homebuilts.