Portable Device Type

Hi Monte,

What type of device are you using to connect to your G3X Touch?


and.... a bit of thread drift

if you are talking out... ...how about the other way?

is there any chance of "in"....
as in while on a long trip,.. updates occur, and the iPad is the handy tool for getting info. Is there any way to grab data via iPad and get to the G3X?

I haven't heard of any, but if we are discussing the other way...
If you mean the data saved on the SD card (flight log, parameters, engine log, etc) in the G3x, the easiest thing is probably the Apple Lightning SD Card reader, and one of those micro->normal SD card adapters you get with every new SD card.

Then, you just plug it into the reader on your iPad, and you can easily open the files app, and drop it anywhere that the app supports (iCloud, Dropbox, etc), or even use the upload tool on Savvy for example and browse to the SD card file system.
Thanks for the response. In the mean time I figured it out.

I was able to blue tooth my ipad to G3X. I have a pilot and co pilot G3X. I had to use the pilot side pfd as the unit to set up. The mfd side would accept the blue tooth connect from ipad.

After blue tooth between garmin pilot on ipad and G3X established, with the engine running (error "G3X data stale" occurs if engine not running) open garmin pilot and touch EIS page.

The garmin pilot must be open and on during the flight. The engine data and a TAS, OAT, etc a lot of data is captured and then sent to the I fly GArmin log book. It is also displaced in a nice way on the garmin pilot EIS page during the flight.

From there the CSV file can be downloaded to Savvy Aviation and the data tracked. Pretty cool.
Glad you got it figured out. Just a reminder from the G3X installation manual: Bluetooth

The GDU 4XX displays in a G3X Touch system include Bluetooth transceivers. This allows a wireless connection to a tablet computer, using Garmin Pilotâ„¢ or another application that supports the Garmin Connext protocol. The tablet computer can receive GPS position and attitude data from the G3X Touch system, and can exchange flight plan information with the GDU 4XX or with a connected GTN navigator. In an installation with multiple GDU 4XX displays, the Bluetooth connection to the tablet computer should be made to the PFD1 GDU only.