
Well Known Member
Is there a place to report missing airport information in Garmin Databases?
Flew into M93 this past weekend and found out that the database is missing the runway headings. 8 - 26

The runways were listed in my old Jesspen databases.
Is there a place to report missing airport information in Garmin Databases?
Flew into M93 this past weekend and found out that the database is missing the runway headings. 8 - 26

The runways were listed in my old Jesspen databases.

Hello Bobby,

The FlyGarmin page includes this link to report database errors.

We will forward this report to our database team, so you will not need to enter a report for this unless you want to.

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Grass airports?

We flew into Love field, near Ocala two weeks ago but when I entered the ID into my 430, it said "No airport listed". Does the 430 not have grass fields in its database, or is it a configuration issue?Thanks,
We flew into Love field, near Ocala two weeks ago but when I entered the ID into my 430, it said "No airport listed". Does the 430 not have grass fields in its database, or is it a configuration issue?Thanks,

I'm not sure, but my GTN 650 doesn't list my home field (07TS), but my G3x Touch does.

Would be nice to get it listed in the 650 DB since that is what I primarily use for navigation.

Hello Pierre and Dan,

Sorry, but the IFR navigators don't have airports that only have turf runways in the database, so 97FL and 07TS are not in there.

You are using the wrong navigator. :) G3X and our portables like the aera 660/796 have you covered.

Garmin NavData Base

I am going to purchase a Garmin Nav database subscription for my Garmin GNC 420 GPS Navigator. I all ready have the Jeppesen Skybound II USB programmer for loading the Jepp nav database.

The Garmin website specifically indicates that the Jeppesen Skybound II programmer isn't compatible for loading the Garmin Obstacle and Terrain databases.

Is it possible to load the Garmin nav database using the Jeppesen Skybound II or do I need to purchase the Garmin USB Aviation Data Card Programmer also?

If so what's the procedure?
You need to set up a Garmin account and buy the Garmin database loader. The Jeppesen loader will not work. Suggest you buy the Garmin loader and wait on it to arrive before you purchase the database subscription.
RE: Garmin Navdata Base programming

Duly noted. I ordered the database subscription and the Garmin programmer. The database is downloadable but the programmer is coming via snail mail.

Thanks for the reply.
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