
Well Known Member
I need to create a checklist for a newly minted RV14A. Not wanting to recreate the wheel does anyone have a checklist file they could share (email)? RV14A would be ideal but probably any RV checklist would provide a good start. Looking for .gcl format.

[email protected]
You need to download the check list editor for the G3X, which generates file extensions of .ace. The .acl is for the G1000 series. I sent you and email of my RV10 check list
I just sent you my work-in-progress one, too, but honestly building it from scratch is probably the best way. Everyone's airplane is different, and everyone's checklist should be custom to their airplane. I ensure mine matches 1:1 with what I wrote in my POH, and I update them together.

Also, if anyone is particularly brave, I'm working on a web-based G3X checklist editor, for those of us who don't have (or want) a Windows computer. If you'd like to help me test this [disclaimer] very rough and experimental software, which you'd be using entirely at your own risk, please send me a PM and I'll provide you early access to it.
What he said.

I don't know how much use it will be, since each RV is different, but I'll email you mine and you're welcome to use it, edit it, or delete it as you see fit. :)
