
Well Known Member
The second half of the 52F to KLUD flight is available now. Production quality is getting better and I think I have solved most of the background noise issues.


I have about 10 more minutes of in-flight vidoe on a different flight to upload, then I have to get back in the air to shoot some more footage.

I have a few ideas for the next videos but I open to suggestions for future episodes.

My ideas:
1. VOR approach that starts with a Direct to VOR, then an "ATC" defined Hold, then the approach.

2. Entry into a Leg of an approach - like you would get if you were being vectored.

3. An ILS approach but I want to make sure I all the audio issues resolved so I can do it in one take.
Rick, great idea to do these videos, I'm sure it's going to be useful to many folks. One suggestion on your approaches: when you go over the IAF/IF you should call out the shift from TERM to the LPV indication on the HSI. Glide path box comes into view on the ADI, and the LPV indicator allows you to descend to LPV minimums. It does get busy at that time, but I think it's a good idea to make that callout, and then reset your missed approach altitude.

Good stuff!
well done

thank you so much for posting..very well done, great explanation, i learned a few things! Nice Panel BTW!
I'll soon be going to non touch GDU 370's. I'm sure I will be coming back to your presentation. It appears I may want the external auto pilot control after all.