Steve A

Well Known Member
I have the Garmin audio panel with the SL 30. When I have the audio panel on Comm 1, I get a stuck mic warning on the SL 30. I hit Comm 1/2 on the audio panel putting the passenger intercom on the second comm which cures the stuck mic as have only one comm. I originally thought I had a short in my PTT but I have completely dismantled the PTT on the passenger side and still get a stuck mic. Any ideas where to go to correct this problem. I have a access panel cut in my fuse above the back of my audio panel so I guess the place to check is make sure the wires are in the right place on the back of the audio panel.
Some one recommended I look at my headset on the passenger side to see if I was running a stereo set into mono plugs. I switched the headset between mono and stereo and tried a third head set and still I get the stuck mic.
Any brainstorms or ideas from someone who had a similar problem, I am all ears.

S S Anderson
Lafayette, La.
Pull the pilot's jacks out of the panel...

...both headset and mic. Do your test again. Any change?

Look at the jack contacts as you insert the mic plug. Does it make contact the way it should? Some jacks and plugs are not compatible as there is no formal standard for the dimensions of jack / plugs.
Garmin Audio Panel

I will try and see if the headset is not working well with the plugs. Thanks for the suggestion. I guess replace the plugs before going under the panel. The SL 30 has in the set up the option to transmit with one mic, the second mic or both mikes. I am going to play with that and turn up the intercom level, It may be set too low.

S S Anderson
Lafayette, La.