
Well Known Member
I nearly switched from Garmin Pilot to Foreflight for one single feature but I don't have to now!

It's been a pain transitioning from a moving map to a group-referenced approach plate in Garmin Pilot. Not you don't have to. You can have the plate geo-referenced and superimposed right on the map. You "fly" right onto the plate. (This was the one feature of Foreflight that had me considering the switch).

Now I'll start hoping to see this on the G3X Touch in the future ;)

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Awesome news! I started with Foreflight and would love to switch to Garmin Pilot, but this kept me from switching. Is this feature on both the iPad and Android version of the app?
It just hit iOS this evening (both iPhone and iPad). I just checked and the feature update has not been pushed out to android yet.
Now I'll start hoping to see this on the G3X Touch in the future ;)

What feature? The Touch definitely has geo-referenced approach plates, it just doesn't lay them on top of the IFR chart. Not a big deal to me, once I'm at the IAF I switch over to the plate and leave it there till I'm on the ground.

It's personal preference.

I dislike the lost of situational awareness that I get from having to switch away from the map to use the geo-referenced plate.

The "either / or" experience does not have the continuity of the overlay.

It's especially difficult when I want to see the plate but I'm not yet "on it" from the map.

In the example screenshot, the overlay is great in that I see I am on course right over KESN headed to the IAF. With just the map I get KESN and with just the plate I get the IAF at ZAKLY but with the overlay I get all of the information.
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I'm hoping that Garmin is close to doing a major release for the G3X Touch.

They have added a lot of really cool functionality in several products (wireless chart downloads!), and I am hoping that they are about to add all of this (including the on chart plates soon.

Touch on the airport to get the radial menu, select the airport, and you'll see a new button "Proc" for procedures.
Between this improvement (the procedures being available from the radial menu) as well as the flight plan being accessible from the map I will have to say Garmin Pilot may end up being my main EFB.
Until ForeFlight develops vectorized maps, Garmin Pilot will alway be #1 for me. I think the ForeFlight users just don't even know what they're missing. :)
Foreflight has some big announcements coming this week I hear, some that I really needed to keep me a Foreflight user. But with all the good things you guys are saying maybe I need to give Garmin Pilot a try, I mean I do have a 3 month free trial coupon so why not?

Also, with my old steam gauge panel I used my EFB app a great deal in flight, but now with the G3X Touch it has made the EFB into an emergency backup function (it's still my primary preflight planning tool).
Still cant see

Either i am an idiot or am cheap and didnt buy the full garmin pilot version. But i still cannot get it to come up with location on approach plates. Does anyone know if I need to buy the safe taxi oprion to get this feature?

Update: ok looks like i need the us ifr subscription. Not just the basic us standard. I love the garmin pilot better than foreflight. Like my costco membership i will wait to upgrade until i need it. I am so happy to see this upgrade.
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Until ForeFlight develops vectorized maps, Garmin Pilot will alway be #1 for me. I think the ForeFlight users just don't even know what they're missing. :)

Based on an email they sent out referencing the future of maps with a vector map as the background image for foreflight 8, I think they're going to tick that box next week. Can't wait!
Nope, still an easy choice. The ForeFlight data driven maps are 4 years behind (looking at the preview pics) and have a loooooong way to catch up.

I don't like the smoothing ForeFlight does to NEXRAD. The "pixelated" data that GP displays paints a better picture of returns for me.

Just stirring the pot a little, both are fantastic products! I just get tired of those who bash GP and have never flown with it. For a long time I was worried that a Garmin monopoly would be bad for GA, but my experience with their service (both certified and experimental), and their recent drop in pricing for all subscriptions, has made me think otherwise.
For a long time I was worried that a Garmin monopoly would be bad for GA, but my experience with their service (both certified and experimental), and their recent drop in pricing for all subscriptions, has made me think otherwise.

Just to clarify: in the past your certified gps database subscription came from Jepp, not Garmin. Now Garmin has developed their own data, and are taking on Jepp. This competition is great for users. But if in the end one of them is driven out of business, how long do you think prices will stay low?
I just get tired of those who bash GP and have never flown with it.

Sorry Dan. I'm not sure what triggered that.

I hope others understand I have "lived with" both for extended periods - well beyond their trial periods.

I used FF for a full year before switching to GP. Then, at the end of that year I switched back to FF for a year. I've been back with GP for the past two years. A month ago I requested a repeat trial period with FF to decide if I'd switch yet again. I stayed with GP.
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Just to clarify: in the past your certified gps database subscription came from Jepp, not Garmin. Now Garmin has developed their own data, and are taking on Jepp. This competition is great for users. But if in the end one of them is driven out of business, how long do you think prices will stay low?

Good point Bob, I noticed that Garmin and Jepp seem to be connected somehow (Garmin provides Jepp data??). Not sure of the details. All I know is I will pay 30% less for my subscriptions this year than I did last year. I hope, at least for the short term, it stays this way.
Sorry Dan. I'm not sure what triggered that.

I hope others understand I have "lived with" both for extended periods - well beyond their trial periods.

I used FF for a full year before switching to GP. Then, at the end of that year I switched back to FF for a year. I've been back with GP for the past two years. A month ago I requested a repeat trial period with FF to decide if I'd switch yet again. I stayed with GP.


That was not directed at you. I've done the same back and forth. I guess it's just years of Garmin haters flying around with GNS430's in their planes wearing me down (luckily they haven't found this thread :)). At our local field of about 80 aircraft, I know of only two of us using GP. Granted, we're also the only two with G3X Touch panels, so we might be slightly biased. :)

One thing I encourage everyone to do is contact Garmin or ForeFlight with any enhancement requests. Both have done a terrific job developing their software with lots of input from the user community.
I have garmin all over my panel and use foreflight for all ipad needs

I tried GP a few times but I don't know, maybe the UI isn't what I'm used to and its that simple
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All 3 ap's are pretty good, so people tend to choose one for reasons that are particular to that person.
I've tried all three, chose WingX.
Approach overlay in Garmin Pilot

So it looks like the IFR subscription is required for the geo-referenced approach overlay feature. The add on upgrade page in the GP account describes having to purchase a Jepp subscription to get terminal charts.

I don't really need those if I get the Garmin IFR subscription for the arrival/departures & approach plates do I?
you can choose either Jepp or Garmin plates (and technically you could buy both).

I subscribe to the "US Standard" base package and the "US IFR" add-on. I do not have Jepp charts.