
Well Known Member
Aera 660 software version 3.40 is now available. As always, the Aera software update is free and can be easily downloaded on your Aera 660 when connected to wifi. Here are a few highlights from the new V3.40 software:

On the airport runway review tab, the Aera 660 will now show you headwind and crosswind components for the selected runway. The preferred runway will be highlighted green.


Internet weather has been expanded to include a couple new features. You now have the option of seeing NEXRAD Base Reflectivity. Selecting Menu on the weather page allows you to select between Composite or Base Reflectivity.


Internet weather also now shows animated NEXRAD. From the Weather Menu page, this feature can be turned on and off.


Also included in V3.40 software:
Keyboard for LAT/LON data entry
Improvement for extended runway center line label drawing
Improvement for weather radar coverage drawing
Improvement for products selection processing for the weather map page
Improvement for traffic field display
General improvements to system operation
GDL 5X software version 2.12
GDL 39 software version 4.81
GPS software version 3.30

For those of you anxiously awaiting new FIS-B weather products, that feature didn't quite make it into this release, but is still planned in a future software release. We appreciate your patience.

Levi Self

Team X Project Manager
Thanks for the feedback!

@Tooch, the 796 does not have wifi, so some of these features are limited by the hardware. In each software release we evaluate a list of possible features to see what can be supported and determine what provides the most value to our customers.

@Snowflake, I am unaware of any development for compatibility for the Stratux. Each piece of hardware that you have to maintain compatibility with adds time and complexity which ultimately results in added cost. This is not to say it won't happen in the future, I just want to set reasonable expectations.

Levi Self

Team X Project Manager
I would buy a 660 if someone could tell me how to make it work with a Stratux.

Until then, I?ll stick with my $130 Stratux and my Foreflight subscription on my iPhone. Kinda a shame because the 660 would likely be my gateway drug to a G3x panel.
@Snowflake, I am unaware of any development for compatibility for the Stratux. Each piece of hardware that you have to maintain compatibility with adds time and complexity which ultimately results in added cost. This is not to say it won't happen in the future, I just want to set reasonable expectations.
That's appreciated, thanks. Knowing the request is being heard is good.

The ideal solution would be for the 660 to connect to the Stratux and receive traffic, weather, and AHRS data through the web connection. But an alternative would be for a wired (serial) connection through an open standard protocol. If Garmin would support such a protocol, then it would be up to the third party providers (Stratux, and anyone like them) to provide the data in that standard format. Maybe that's a path Garmin would support? Maybe publishing the Connext protocol so others could use it, for example?
I am getting a software update unavailable message when trying to load over WiFi.

John, I would recommend power cycling the unit as it looks for the new software on power up. If this doesn't resolve the issue, please contact us using the information below so that we can help you resolve the issue. I am aware of many customers who have successfully updated via wifi and I have not heard of any update issues from other customers.

Levi Self

Team X Project Manager
When I powered up at home this weekend it told me there was an update, offered to download it, and then rebooted and installed it. Easy peasy!