
Well Known Member
I'm considering replacing my loved but now ancient Skymap IIIC GPS with a Garmin 660.

Looking for feedback- pros/ cons, likes/ dislikes based on experiences flying the units.

Ultimately, I like to panel mount it and hard wire it like my current GPS.
Installed, w/AP -- works well

Ross -- I installed a TT autopilot in a friend's RV-4. He had an old (20+ yrs) handheld GPS. I suggested he move to the 21st century and upgrade to the 660, which he did. I used the purchased power/data cable to couple to the TT autopilot ---- after several hours of flight, he is thrilled with the 660/TT combination.

Although I am a diehard iFly 740 advocate, I was impressed with the capability of the 660.

Well I may be a bit biased, but I installed one in my own aircraft after playing with one, super easy to use, great map and traffic pages with charts. Also lots of data fields which are very handy. I have also used it flying IFR for approach plates (nice backup in case the ipad craps out), very usable setup.

I've also installed a few in customers aircraft wired to a 345, everyone has been very happy with it.
Just to add to your options, have you looked at the iFly740. I have one of those and absolutely love it.
I ordered a 660 a couple days ago. Appreciate all the input.

I had never heard of the iFly. Looks great and great price too, but will they be around in 5-10 years still?
The 660 is a fantastic "portable" device. Mine is flush mounted in my panel and connected to my Dynon EFIS/auto pilot, audio system, GDL-39 3D, and Bluetooth to Garmin pilot app. It's rock solid, essentially zero delay in processing with screen changes. Resolution is very nice. Screen touch sensitivity excellent. 3D vision page makes approaches simple, using as a backup reference. I look forward to good future support and expanded capabilities.

Strongly recommended.
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I replaced an Aera 500 with a 660 this year, and have been continually impressed with it. I love having the real charts available, and the ability to actually read the screen in flight was a massive improvement over the older 500... It washed out almost completely in sunlight.

The only things I don't like about it right now are:

1. Using FAA and NavCanada charts concurrently is not possible. You can load either Canada, *or* the US, but not both. Living right at the border, and actually south of the 49th parallel, this means any US flying I do right now is on Canadian charts.

2. The "charts" screen has no ability to add data fields (the four or 8 fields in the corners of the "map" screen). So I have to flip back and forth to see distance to next, ETE, etc.

3. No connectivity to my Stratux to display ADS-B data. I know people are working on coding the GDL39 protocol for Stratux, but nobody has it working yet.

4. Overly-sensitive power button. I've accidentally hit the button many times when carrying the GPS to/from the airplane, or moving it around on my desk at home. It seems the slightest touch triggers it, and then it powers up and runs the battery down if you don't see it. And if you *do* see it, you have to wait until it finishes it's 30 second boot up before you can turn it off again as well.

All are minor complaints, overall i'm very happy with the unit despite them.
Auto Power Down

@Snowflake. I noticed the how easy it was to bump the power button and accidentally turn on the unit. When I first got the 660 I had it happen a couple times while it was in my flight bag. The Aera 660 version 2.30 software added the "auto power off to disclaimer page" feature. This feature should power down the unit after a few minutes if you don't acknowledge the disclaimer. I suppose it is possible to accidentally hit the power button and then accidentally hit the ackowledgement on the screen, but it seems unlikely and hasn't happened to me yet.
@Levi, thanks for the head's up on the auto power-off. I'm running the latest firmware and must have missed that in the release notes. I'm careful about how I carry it now so it may not be an issue anymore, but it's good to know it'll turn off if I bump it accidentally.
Previously owned a GPSmap 296, a 495 and then the Aera 550.
The new 660 is the best yet.
Biggest screen, great touchscreen, very bright -easy to read.
Common interface similar to GTN650 or Garmin APP.
I love the thing.
I just unpacked mine today. Hopefully start playing with it tonight and get it installed in the panel. Farewell Skymap IIIC. Got a couple for sale cheap...
Went from a 550 to a 660 as my primary VFR. 96% improvement.
Just back from a long trip. Very satisfied.
XM Weather Compatibility

I was going to purchase a 660 when it first came out but didn't because it could not display XM weather like my current 496.

Has XM weather capability been added?
I was going to purchase a 660 when it first came out but didn't because it could not display XM weather like my current 496.

Has XM weather capability been added?

I think there's a picture in the "other" 660 thread that shows a screenshot from an upcoming software update that adds XM connectivity. The screenshot shows the music page, but presumably with Music capability the Weather is there as well?
Ok, after a few problems, finally have data bases downloaded and inputted.

First issue was with selections for the Canadian data base which didn't work. Got Garmin tech help on the phone (wait time 10 seconds-bravo!) and he fixed this glitch pronto. Unit purchased from ACS Canada but only had USA Map choices initially.

Second, found that despite the Garmin site saying the download interface software was compatible with XP SP3, turns out it didn't work for me. Switched to Win 7 and it worked.

Was a bit confusing if the interface software downloaded and installed properly or not. Did it again with another call to Garmin (wait time 1 minute- bravo again!)

Email support was days slow so I'd recommend phoning instead.

There's a learning curve to everything. Next time around will be faster and easier.

My impressions so far playing with the unit are positive. Most functions are pretty intuitive. Personal waypoint entry is a bit convoluted to reach but once you know how, it works ok. Not something I'll need much now that I have all my local call points entered.

Looking forward to flying with it and being able to see it sunlight unlike my old Skymap.

As someone else suggested here, would be nice if you had to hold down the power button 3 seconds to activate the unit. It's too easy to turn on with a short bump or even just picking up the unit.
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Ok, after a few problems, finally have data bases downloaded and inputted.

Second, found that despite the Garmin site saying the download interface software was compatible with XP SP3, turns out it didn't work for me. Switched to Win 7 and it worked.

Was a bit confusing if the interface software downloaded and installed properly or not. Did it again with another call to Garmin (wait time 1 minute- bravo again!)

Hello Ross,

You probably have your reasons for not using the Aera 660 built-in Wifi to download databases and software, but for the benefit of others we wanted to mention this capability.

I have been flying with an Aera 660 longer than anyone, and I have never actually downloaded databases with anything but Wifi.

It is so easy to choose and download databases and software updates right on the Aera 660 with no connection to a computer that most will find that they never need to connect the unit to a computer. I have added both home and office Wifi connections to the Aera 660, and can effortlessly use these connections to keep the unit up-to-date.


Did I mention you can snap your unit in the home dock to charge and update databases when at home?



Thanks Steve. I haven't read through the manual completely at this point. I'll try the network setup here tonight.

Appreciate all your quick responses!
You probably have your reasons for not using the Aera 660 built-in Wifi to download databases and software, but for the benefit of others we wanted to mention this capability.

I have been flying with an Aera 660 longer than anyone, and I have never actually downloaded databases with anything but Wifi.
Steve, I recall when I got mine I couldn't do this, and my recollection was that I had to update the firmware to a certain level before it would let me. That required a hard connection to my Windows PC to get started.

Now that it's updated though, everything comes in on WiFi as you say... Much more convenient than the old way!
Steve, I recall when I got mine I couldn't do this, and my recollection was that I had to update the firmware to a certain level before it would let me. That required a hard connection to my Windows PC to get started.

Now that it's updated though, everything comes in on WiFi as you say... Much more convenient than the old way!

Hello Rob,

Glad to hear the WiFi updating is working well for you.

The Aera 660 has always been able to download databases over WiFi. Software downloads over WiFi have been supported since V2.60. You are correct that anyone having software older than V2.60 will have to perform a one-time upgrade using a computer, and then software updates will be semi-automatic over WiFi (when available) after that.

Since V2.60 was released in Aug. 2016 and the current software is V2.90, there shouldn't be many units in circulation for which the software is too old to update over WiFi.

The Aera 660 has always been able to download databases over WiFi. Software downloads over WiFi have been supported since V2.60. You are correct that anyone having software older than V2.60 will have to perform a one-time upgrade using a computer, and then software updates will be semi-automatic over WiFi (when available) after that.
Ah, yes, now that you say the version numbers I recall that's exactly what happened on mine. It was just the software I needed the computer for (once).

rv6ejguy said:
Think my unit was Aug. 2016 and had V 2.5.
If it was purchased in Aug 2016 it would likely have been built months before that at Garmin... Lead times for consumer electronics can be remarkably long.
Ah, yes, now that you say the version numbers I recall that's exactly what happened on mine. It was just the software I needed the computer for (once).

If it was purchased in Aug 2016 it would likely have been built months before that at Garmin... Lead times for consumer electronics can be remarkably long.

Just purchased this month but had a much older firmware version installed.