Well Known Member
For Garmin People, these upgrade will be available for EAB customers directly or we will have to contact a Garmin Dealer?
Software updates

How does one go about getting these GTN650 updates for EAB aircraft? I look all over the fly.garmin website and I can't find a way to do this. Steve, is this really available to download or do I need to go to a local avionics shop?
Bill Near
Hello Bill,

This posting explains where the software and service bulletin has been located for our last two GTN software updates.

GTN V6.21 Software for Non-Certified Installations

We don't have a date for when we will make the new GTN V6.30 software available for our EAB customers, but plan to do so when possible.

Kaweeka - yes, this software upgrade also applies to the GTN 625.

Question for Garmin

I have a 430w and adding visual approach might just be tie breaker for me to upgrade to GTN.

Question could I use the GTN to drive a 45R remote transponder, which would solve my other problem of no
Adsb. I have old advanced flight efis so no G3X to drive 45R
You'll need a GTX 345 (remote or panel mount) if you wish to control it with a GTN.
We have been doing some G3X Touch testing with the new GTN software flying autopilot coupled visual approaches on our test bench to get proficient - and to have a little fun.

It is really quick and easy to load/activate one of the visual approaches for an airport. In this example the tower gave us straight-in to RWY 36 and you can see what the flight plan looks like on the GDU 460 after activating on the GTN. The V3NM is a waypoint showing the initial fix 3 nm from the runway end on the Visual approach.

After activating the visual approach, we just pushed the NAV, APR (approach), and AP buttons on the GMC 307 to engage the autopilot laterally and arm for the glidepath (GP) capture. We are inbound at pattern altitude in ALT hold in this example. If we were hand flying and just wanted flight director guidance, we could have pushed the FD button instead of the AP button and left the servos disengaged.



In this image we are nearly to the runway and are centered both laterally and vertically on the visual approach. You wouldn't normally have the autopilot engaged at this point, but it was a test bench!


One additional tip. The Visual Approach button shows up on the lower left of the GTN map page when a Visual Approach is available for use at the destination airport. By default, this button becomes visible at 10 nm from the destination airport. I found myself wanting to see if a visual approach is available to use sooner than 10 nm out, so I went into the Map Setup page, selected "Visual APPR Selector" and changed the setup to show this button at 15 nm from the airport which seems about right. You can also choose 25 nm if you like.

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Hello Bill,

This posting explains where the software and service bulletin has been located for our last two GTN software updates.

GTN V6.21 Software for Non-Certified Installations

We don't have a date for when we will make the new GTN V6.30 software available for our EAB customers, but plan to do so when possible.

Kaweeka - yes, this software upgrade also applies to the GTN 625.


Hi Steve,

I have not as yet upgraded to the 6.21 as states that if you upgrade to 6.21 you MUST use the new "synchronize" process software. Is that correct?

If Not can you upgrade to 6.21, then 6.30 and still use the "manual" download processes?

Hi Steve,

I have not as yet upgraded to the 6.21 as states that if you upgrade to 6.21 you MUST use the new "synchronize" process software. Is that correct?

If Not can you upgrade to 6.21, then 6.30 and still use the "manual" download processes?


Hello Andrew,

The database SYNC feature added in V6.21 supports transferring databases between Garmin displays, typically in a multiple GTN installation, to automatically synchronize the databases on these units.

We have a single GTN 750 in our RV-7A that I update, and I don't notice that this feature is even there because it does nothing in this installation.

Not sure why this is a concern. It is probably best to call or email us directly.

Dear Steve i have upgraded two gtn650 in different aircraft and when we turn on we see:

Stored Flight Plan waypoint is not in current navigation database

The problem is that the two planes does not have FLP saved.

how can we clean these mssg?
Dear Steve i have upgraded two gtn650 in different aircraft and when we turn on we see:

Stored Flight Plan waypoint is not in current navigation database

The problem is that the two planes does not have FLP saved.

how can we clean these mssg?

I've seen this in two scenarios.

First, if the nav database is expired I get this message, as I would expect.
Second, if I've pushed a flight plan from the G3X that has a custom waypoint, or an airport that isn't in the official GTN database, I get this message.

When I'm flying IFR, I always create the flight plans on the GTN, as that's the supported IFR database.

And Garmin, how about an external keyboard for the GTN, or maybe a virtual GTN keyboard on the G3X Touch? I very much dislike the GTN650's "keyboard".
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We have been doing some G3X Touch testing with the new GTN software flying autopilot coupled visual approaches on our test bench to get proficient - and to have a little fun.

It is really quick and easy to load/activate one of the visual approaches for an airport. In this example the tower gave us straight-in to RWY 36 and you can see what the flight plan looks like on the GDU 460 after activating on the GTN. The V3NM is a waypoint showing the initial fix 3 nm from the runway end on the Visual approach.

After activating the visual approach, we just pushed the NAV, APR (approach), and AP buttons on the GMC 307 to engage the autopilot laterally and arm for the glidepath (GP) capture. We are inbound at pattern altitude in ALT hold in this example. If we were hand flying and just wanted flight director guidance, we could have pushed the FD button instead of the AP button and left the servos disengaged.



In this image we are nearly to the runway and are centered both laterally and vertically on the visual approach. You wouldn't normally have the autopilot engaged at this point, but it was a test bench!


We can demonstrate flying these visual approaches on one of our kiosks at SNF next week if you get a chance to stop by.


Hi Steve, this new feature is mostly welcome...you know I have been probably the most impatient among all Garmin clients on this feature! Three questions for you:

1) is this a software upgrade for the G3X, for the GTN or for both (I have one G3X Touch + one GTN750 in my RV7A)?
2) is there a way to fix the descent angle to a value different than 3 degrees (which I understand is the default value)?
3) can the guided descent be done to a user-defined waypoint (for example a private airstrip with a certain altitude and a certain GPS position) instead of a known airport?
Hi Steve, this new feature is mostly welcome...you know I have been probably the most impatient among all Garmin clients on this feature! Three questions for you:

1) is this a software upgrade for the G3X, for the GTN or for both (I have one G3X Touch + one GTN750 in my RV7A)?
2) is there a way to fix the descent angle to a value different than 3 degrees (which I understand is the default value)?
3) can the guided descent be done to a user-defined waypoint (for example a private airstrip with a certain altitude and a certain GPS position) instead of a known airport?

Hello Mancival,

This is a software feature provided strictly by the GTN. No software changes were required in G3X Touch to support this since it works like any other approach you can load and activate on the GTN.

You even use the APR button on the autopilot control panel to arm for the glidepath capture if you wish to use the flight director to guide you to the runway (or couple to the visual approach with the autopilot). It flies very similar to an LPV approach with a vector-to-final transition.

To the best of our knowledge, the glide path angle is determined by the GTN and cannot be over-ridden.

This is not intended to be a roll-your-own-approach feature, rather it is a quick and easy way to use visual approach guidance to more easily fly consistent visual approaches.

This feature also provides excellent situational awareness, especially for unfamiliar airports, because you can activate a visual approach for the tower assigned runway upon initial contact, and have higher assurance you don't accidentally line up on the wrong runway.

Visual approaches are only available for airports in the GTN database. Some private airports have visual approaches, but not all. As you approach the destination airport, if it has one or more visual approaches available you just push the new Visual Approach button in the lower left corner of the GTN map page and select the runway you will be using. If there are no visual approaches for this airport, the button is not available.

When we were demonstrating this feature at SNF, we were pleasantly surprised how often visual approaches were provided for private airports that are used by customers who came by to take a look.

Do I need version 6.21 or 6.30 in the gtn to see the visual approaches? In the latter case, when version 6.30 will come out?
Do I need version 6.21 or 6.30 in the gtn to see the visual approaches? In the latter case, when version 6.30 will come out?

Something newer than V6.21. No good date yet for the release. An issue was discovered in flight testing this release that required some software changes and re-certification, hence delays.

Lots of cranks to turn, so we won't have a date until we announce the availability of the service bulletin.


Hello, still waiting for the release date for the version 6.30 update. Any updates on a release date yet? The last I heard was October.
Do I need the latest database updates?

I believe I read before that in the previous version update, that the database structure was changed, and that you would need to update your map and other databases,to the new format, in order to use the new software update.

Can you please confirm this? I am using an older database because I do not yet have my instrument rating, and have been using the GTN 650 with my Dynon EFIS for practice only.
I believe I read before that in the previous version update, that the database structure was changed, and that you would need to update your map and other databases,to the new format, in order to use the new software update.

Can you please confirm this? I am using an older database because I do not yet have my instrument rating, and have been using the GTN 650 with my Dynon EFIS for practice only.


Yes, the note at the bottom of page 7 of the service bulletin states "New format Navigation databases were introduced for GTN Main Software Version 6.21
and are required.

You can purchase a single Garmin U.S. Navigation database update for your GTN 650 for $129.

I just started playing with my new rv7a with gtn750+g3x (+g5+gnc255) and deciding which databases to install (I?m based in Europe). The gtn came with an additional ?international database card? that stopped working the moment I upgraded gtn software from 6.11 to 6.41, which was expected as per Garmin instructions. I want to order a new ?one time? database update for the gtn for Europe: I heard the new type databases (after 6.21 gtn software version), contain vrp waypoints: do I need to ask explicitly for them in my order, or they come as standard with the new type of gtn databases (for Europe)?