
Well Known Member
I having a issue with signal lose on my Garmin 796. It seem like at around 5 to 10 minutes into a flight I will lose signal on my 796 and will not come back until the next flight. Any one also have this or had this problem?
Are you using the Air Gizmos dock or do you have it mounted some other way? I ask because right after I had mine installed with the AG dock it wasn't seated quite right into the dock and had an intermittent connection. In the end there was a small bit of metal blocking the seating of the GPS properly.
Xm antenna

This is the XM Antenna that may be the problem but not using the gizmo dock, just mounted on top of a custom made roll bar on my rv3 .
Same problem here

I have the exact same problem with my 696.


I have not been able to even pinpoint the source of the problem much less find
a pattern in behavior when it comes to loosing the signal.
It happens in mid flight usually about 5 to 10 minutes out, sometimes in climb and sometimes in a steady cruise and sometimes it stays on.
I am not usually the guy who gives up on anything but I am about ready to pull the plug on my subscription (music only).
With ADS-B weather availability, XM is becoming obsolete, too bad.
I have the exact same problem with my 696.


I have not been able to even pinpoint the source of the problem much less find
a pattern in behavior when it comes to loosing the signal.
It happens in mid flight usually about 5 to 10 minutes out, sometimes in climb and sometimes in a steady cruise and sometimes it stays on.
I am not usually the guy who gives up on anything but I am about ready to pull the plug on my subscription (music only).
With ADS-B weather availability, XM is becoming obsolete, too bad.

Do you have electronic ignition ? or do you notice are your strobes on when it happens? just trying to figure out what could be causing our same problem .
Light Speed ignition on top and Magneto on the bottom.
Wheelen strobes turned on at start up.
Just be be clear, I have never lost the GPS signal just the XM reception and by that I mean, no service indicated on the XM page.
About 40 hours into service I relocated the XM antena from under the cowl,
where it was next to the GPS antena, to the top of the glare shield. This made absolutely no difference.
I have tried to narrow it down to where I make some sort of adjustment or switching something on or off. No luck so far and as I pointed out in the link to the other post, sometimes it stays on, even 2 flights in a row.
I am glad it's not essential for safe flight but frustrating nevertheless.
I have the exact same problem with my 696.


I have not been able to even pinpoint the source of the problem much less find
a pattern in behavior when it comes to loosing the signal.
It happens in mid flight usually about 5 to 10 minutes out, sometimes in climb and sometimes in a steady cruise and sometimes it stays on.
I am not usually the guy who gives up on anything but I am about ready to pull the plug on my subscription (music only).
With ADS-B weather availability, XM is becoming obsolete, too bad.

Never lost the XM signal on my 696 (or 496), and ADS-B just isn't much available, yet, in the mountain west. BTW-- have had XM in my vehicles for many years. Realiable there, too!
Light Speed ignition on top and Magneto on the bottom.
Wheelen strobes turned on at start up.
Just be be clear, I have never lost the GPS signal just the XM reception and by that I mean, no service indicated on the XM page.
About 40 hours into service I relocated the XM antena from under the cowl,
where it was next to the GPS antena, to the top of the glare shield. This made absolutely no difference.
I have tried to narrow it down to where I make some sort of adjustment or switching something on or off. No luck so far and as I pointed out in the link to the other post, sometimes it stays on, even 2 flights in a row.
I am glad it's not essential for safe flight but frustrating nevertheless.

I think we need to check if the strobes are causing this or I know on another thread Paul Dye said that he had the same type of problem and that it may have been loose spark plug ends?
Paul reported low signal strength and unreadable audio when describing his XM problem.
It's worth taking a look, heck I'll check anything.

I have XM service in my business and never lost a signal or service.
I am not blaming XM, I am just down to wishful thinking and hoping someone
might have a solution.
Try a differnent AX antenna

See if you can borrow a buddy's antenna - I chased bad XM for months and finally figured out he antenna had gone bad. New antenna fixed all issues.
See if you can borrow a buddy's antenna - I chased bad XM for months and finally figured out he antenna had gone bad. New antenna fixed all issues.

Good idea - isolate with identical gear to see where the problem lies - that's what we did with our RV-3 issue - tried a different antenna and receiver.

Just remember that with the portables, the antenna IS the receiver, so the subscription goes with the unit....
Xm antenna

Talked to Garmin on this problem they said lets try a new Antenna. Garmin was very good to deal with on this and sent me a new Antenna in a day. I went up for a 40 minute flight yesterday and no problems encountered. The XM was there the whole time.:)
That's good to hear.
I have just contacted Garmin and gotten an email response with a phone number to call.
I hope I'll be able to report the same good news as you have.
New Antenna

Cautiously optimistic.
I now have a brand new XM antenna installed and so far so good, no lost signal.
I have to admit, I did not want to call Garmin for some reason thinking that it would cost me a new antenna. However, they listen to my problem and sent me a replacement antenna at no charge.
Cautiously optimistic.
I now have a brand new XM antenna installed and so far so good, no lost signal.
I have to admit, I did not want to call Garmin for some reason thinking that it would cost me a new antenna. However, they listen to my problem and sent me a replacement antenna at no charge.

Yep Garmin has really turned around on how they are handling us experimental guys. Almost like a new company!