Question: Should we expect a panel mounted version of the new 795/796 to be launched and therefore replace the current GDU 370/5 ? If so, are these expected to work in G3x applications ? And when ?
Flavio - Brazil
Touch screen technology is very prominent in both the certified GTN 650/750 products introduced earlier this year, and now the new 795/796 handheld replacements for the 695/696. Me thinks that this could be the direction Garmin is heading? :rolleyes: If true, the touch screen version of the G3X can?t be too far behind. Maybe they?ll call it G4X!
I hear you...

My G3X is ordered and arriving in Brazil?:D Now I wonder if in a few months from now we will see a ?G4X? with touchscreens. As usual, this is the beauty of experimental aviation !
Flavio - Brazil