
Well Known Member
My GTN 750 has the serial 1 going to and returning from my EFIS (GRT HXr).
The wiring diagram has a box that says "configure ADS-B out".
I haven't been able to find anything in the Garmin literature that tells how to do that. HELP! Thanks!
Hold down the Home button while turning on the GTN power to get into config mode.

Go to the serial section and select the in/out mode you need.
You may or might need multiple outputs from the 750.
1. You need a serial line out from the 750, in to the HXr, for gps data. Both ports should be configured for "Aviation" and set to 9600 baud.
2. You may have a line from the HXr, to the 750, to transfer data to the 750. Set the HXr to "fuel air data Z format". Set the 750 to "Shadin FADC". Both ports to 9600 baud.
3. If you have a 2020 approved ADSB-out device, the 750 can serve as an approved position source if your ADSB-out can accept Garmin "ADSB+" format.For example, the Garmin 330-ES, the Trig TT-22 and TT-31 mode S-ES transponders can all read this format. Run a wire directly from the 750 to the transponder, set the 750 output to "ADSB+". (Note: if you see "ADSB" but not "ADSB+" as an option, you need a software upgrade to the 750.)

Hope this helps.