
Well Known Member
I am totally in love with my VFR panel. It is built around a Garmin 696 and Tru-Track Digiflight II autopilot. I have been using Garmin's Flightlog software to maintain my log but have run into a problem that I can't find the answer to. The GPS knows when a landing has occurred but doesn't appear to pass that data to Flightlog to update the Landings field. Is this something I have to enable or is it just a feature that isn't included in the current version of Flightlog?

Will soon be working with my "Safety Pilot" to start training on how to use the 696 and Digiflight II as a "Save Your Bacon" system to get back down on the ground when the safety pilot hands you the foggles and announces you are now in the clouds now get us safely on the ground.
Using only GPS it's difficult to determine to tell the difference between a touch-and-go and a low approach, so it's up to the pilot to fill in the number of landings for the flight.

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