I have just bought a Garmin Area 660 to replace the old Area 500.

I wish to tie the Garmin 660 into my existing Navaid auto pilot that has the smart coupler as well as my ACK ELT.

Can some one confirm that its this


Bare wire connector what I need to make this happen?


Hello Tim,

It sounds like you had your Aera 500 connected to the smart coupler using an RS-232 interface.

The bare wire cable/mount for the Aera 660 that you provided a link to above will similarly provide wiring access to both of the RS-232 ports on the Aera 660.

If both your smart coupler and your ELT use the same baud rate (4800 or 9600 baud), you should be able to configure one RS-232 port on the Aera 660 for NMEA Out to provide GPS data to both your ELT and smart coupler.

This would free the 2nd RS-232 port on the Aera 660 to connect to an ADS-B traffic/weather receiver like the GDL 39/50/52.

Hello Steve,

No, nothing was ever hooked up from the Area 500.

The previous owner had tried to get his own GPS to work with the Smart coupler and auto pilot but he wasn’t able to. So for me it will be a science experiment. Everything seems to be in place and tied in.

So now the ball is in my court to see if I can make it work. The wing leveller part of the Navaid works fine. So, here’s hoping.

