
Active Member
My original post was somehow deleted, so here is a repost. Thanks to all who replied, but the entire thread is now gone.

My Garmin 496 is driving a TT Digitrak. Output on the 496 is NEMA, set at 4800 baud. I have had a problem with the Digitrak losing its signal from the 496 when the 496 is refreshing the screen. The 496 had operating software at version 2.6, it is now updated to version 2.8. I have not yet flown with the new software version; perhaps it is improved.

I would like to utilize the automatic frequency function in my SL-30, but TruTrak told me about a year ago that the Digitrak would get confused with the data stream if it was set to NEMA & VHF Out. One response I received correctly pointed out that NEMA & VHF Out was preset at 9600 baud. I have not yet tried to reconfigure the Digitrak at 9600 baud, the instructions say to set it at 4800 baud. I?ll try that option and see what happens.

Any input regarding these two issues would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Jon

There was a problem with a version of software on my 396 where it was setting an error flag in the NMEA stream after a screen redraw. I had the "dropout" problem for a while, but it dissapeared with a Garmin update without touching my Pictorial Pilot.

Not sure about the Digitrack at 9600, but Trutrak is open this morning.


Yes, I had the same problem with my 396; upgraded to a 496 with the same problem still existant and have not flown yet with the latest version 2.80 operating system. I'll give them a call at truTrak and see what they have to say about it all.

Thanks and happy new year,
I had some serial-related issues with the 496, but Garmin appears to have fixed it completely with the latest rev of the OS. I haven't seen any serial-related problems since upgrading. Use the latest software, and definitely check the serial baud rate. Mine works absolutely fine with the Trutrak + SL30 + AF2500.
dan said:
I had some serial-related issues with the 496, but Garmin appears to have fixed it completely with the latest rev of the OS. I haven't seen any serial-related problems since upgrading. Use the latest software, and definitely check the serial baud rate. Mine works absolutely fine with the Trutrak + SL30 + AF2500.


I've got the 496 updated with the 2.80 OS, have not flown it yet. Trutrak tells me that I should try setting the 496 up for NEMA & VHF OUT, which defaults at 9600 baud. Then I need to set the Digitrak to 9600 BAUD. The problem with the data with VHF in the stream seems to be confined to the Digitrak and Pictorial Pilot autopilots, the TruTrak Digiflight II does not seem to be afected by this issue. Which TruTrak autopilot do you have installed in your RV-7?