
Well Known Member
I'm considering upgrading my Garmin 296 to a 496. I am curious about data out capabilities of the 496. Obviously it is an upgrade to the 296 and should have more capability but the power/data cable only shows one data out pin versus 2 for the 296. In the 496 wiring diagram for the cable it shows that this data out can be split. I currently use the two Garmin 296 data out pins to drive the autopilot (course tracking) and the Trutrak Gemini PFD (for heading info).

According to the 496 diagram of the power/data cable it looks like splitting the data out two ways won't be a problem. The 496 manual also describes the capability to output com data to the Garmin SL-30/SL-40. The 496 came out before the Garmin GTR 200 I have in my airplane so the GTR 200 is not addressed specifically. According to the GTR 200 manual, frequency identifiers can be displayed on the GTR 200 if the data out is sent to the GTR 200 radio.

So I would be splitting the data out three ways- Autopilot (Trio EZ Pilot) for course tracking, Trutrak Gemini PFD for heading Info and GTR 200 for com frequency identification. I'm not sure if these data outputs are the same format that would go to the 3 devices in question.

- Will the data out be sufficient input signal strength for all three devices?
- Are these data outputs coming from the 496 all the same compatible format?

I believe the 496 only has one data out wire. You can choose from a number of different formats. The trio and the Gemini should both use Aviation format, I'm not sure about the GTR.
Garmin 496 data out

Thanks Jesse,

Maybe I will just keep the 296 and use one data port for the Trio EZ Pilot and Gemini PFD together, I also think they would both be the same format. Then on port 2 use whatever format the GTR 200 needs. What I don't know is if the 296 can send the GTR 200 whatever it needs. Any Garmin guys out there know the answer?

Thanks Jesse,

Maybe I will just keep the 296 and use one data port for the Trio EZ Pilot and Gemini PFD together, I also think they would both be the same format. Then on port 2 use whatever format the GTR 200 needs. What I don't know is if the 296 can send the GTR 200 whatever it needs. Any Garmin guys out there know the answer?


Hello Oly,

Your 296 should support selecting a NMEA + VHF Out format which will provide frequency data to your GTR 200.

A previous poster suggested you might need Aviation Out for the Trio and Gemini, but that is incorrect for this installation. They will use NMEA data from the 296 or other portables.

You mentioned some interest in upgrading to a 496. You might also consider the new aera 660.

Aera 660


So with the new Aera 660 I could replace the 296 and my IPAD Mini and have all that capability at one place in the Aera 660?

I would also have to replace the Stratus 2 with the GDL 39 antenna to have the attitude source as well then right?

Will the Aera 660 provide enough output terminals for a Trio EZ Pilot, Gemini PFD and the GTR 200?

Sounds like I may be upgrading.......

So with the new Aera 660 I could replace the 296 and my IPAD Mini and have all that capability at one place in the Aera 660?

I would also have to replace the Stratus 2 with the GDL 39 antenna to have the attitude source as well then right?

Will the Aera 660 provide enough output terminals for a Trio EZ Pilot, Gemini PFD and the GTR 200?

Sounds like I may be upgrading.......

Hello Oly,

We like the way you think. :)

Yes, the aera 660 is quite the powerhouse and certainly blows away every tablet/phone on the planet in many ways including the ability to snap the unit into the bare mount mount and instantly have it connected to aircraft power, aircraft intercom system, and multiple serial devices like ADS-B receivers, autopilots, flight displays, and COM radios.

The aera 660 instrument panel mount is so rugged that it even passed our helicopter vibration test suite. Not surprising given the original mechanical design was even used to mount the Zumo on motorcycle handlebars.

As explained in this posting for the GTR 200, the aera 660 also supports the advanced VHF interface protocol that constantly transfers hundreds of frequencies/IDs to the GTR 200 from the aera 660 navigation database so even when you manually tune a frequency, the GTR 200 can automatically identify it and display this information below the frequency.

Additionally, the aera 660 transfers airport frequency groups to the GTR 200 for nearby airports and airports in the flight plan. Just push the GTR 200 dual concentric knob, then user the outer knob to select the airport and use the inner knob to select the frequency which is identified by name.


Again, try doing that with your phone or tablet!

You will likely want to purchase either a GDL 39 portable unit or GDL 39R remote mount unit so you can enjoy free traffic and weather on the aera 660. Should you desire the attitude data to be used on the 3D Vision page, you can also install the GDL 39 3D.

GDL 39R Remote Mount dual frequency traffic/weather receiver

With 2 serial ports, we would recommend connecting your GDL 39/39R to the first serial port (configured for Garmin Data Transfer) and connect the GTR 200, Trio Ez Pilot, and Gemini PFD to the second serial port (configured for Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out).

Don't forget to connect the aera 660 audio output to your audio panel or intercom system so you can hear traffic, obstacle, and terrain alerts.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.

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Garmin Aera 660


I took a look at the 660 and I like what I see so far. One of the things I don't like about using an IPAD with Foreflight (although I really do like Foreflight) is having to take my gloves off to scroll around the screen. I fly ocassionally in cold weather and although the cockpit is warm, the stick & throttle take a while to warm up so I end up just flying with gloves.

I like the Garmin handhelds (296/396/496) because of the push buttons. I suppose since the 660 is a touchscreen it will act similar to the IPAD Mini I use and will have to remove my gloves to use it correct?

Oly, they do make gloves with little conductive patches on the fingertips so you can use a touch screen with them on. I haven't tried them myself, but I've seen them in stores.
A 496's rs232 output can probably drive 3 receiving devices OK, depending on the particular devices that are parallel-connected to the 496's TX line. You'd just have to try it and see. I've seen many of them handle 2 simultaneous receiving devices connected with ease. As long as any one of the receiving devices isn't ill-behaved and sinks too much current it should be ok, but yes, connecting that many devices to one rs232 transmit source without a proper repeater circuit is technically out of spec.
Garmin 496


Thanks for the tip and weblink. I have a pair but I don't think I got them from Gibson & Barnes. Maybe I should have cause I don't know who made these and they really don't work.

dimmer in the past

Not mentioned, but very important. Having had all the Garmins starting with 296 onward... I was thrilled when the evolution passed by the 496 and the screen got WAY brighter. You will be most pleased with the new portable unit not only in the way the software works (many, many useful functions) but in how the display looks in a bubble canopy aircraft. Full disclosure, I have no vested interest in sales at Garmin. I just know when something works really well in an RV.

I have a similar setup in my RV-4 (NavAid AP-1 plus Garmin: GTR200, GDS-39R, G496).

The 496 has only one COM port where the 296 has two. Per a previous note you can connect the 496 output to more than one device, the manual even shows doing that. The rub is the speed of the port and communication protocol. My NavAid has a ?Smart GPS? box that takes the data from the GPS and converts it to a VOR like output that goes to the NavAid. The ?newer? version of this box will auto select between 4800 and 9600 BAUD rates. Mine is locked at 4800.

With the 496 set for ?NMEA In/NMEA Out? the Smart GPS / NavAid work great. With the 496 set to ?TIS In/NMEA & VHF Out? it receives traffic from the GDL-39R, and is able to send COM frequencies to the GTR200 (way cool). However in that setting it forces the BAUD rate to 9600 and the Smart GPS isn?t smart enough to adjust. I am building a BAUD rate converter with an microcontroller this week and will be putting that ahead of the Smart GPS.

My suggestion would be to keep the 296 until you want more capability and then buy more current gear. I have had the 496 since it came out and just can?t see the reason to upgrade?yet, however I don?t think I would buy one today.

Upgrading GPS

Thanks for the inputs guys, decide to pull the plug and get a Garmin Aera 660 and a GDL 39 3D. Sold the 196 & the 296 and have the IPAD Mini & Stratus 2 for sale now. Have another IPAD Mini I will use with Garmin Pilot App as a backup.

The 660 will be hard wired to the aircraft for power, to the EZ Pilot autopilot for course tracking and to the GTR 200 for frequency inputs and audio alerts with it's built in intercom. The GDL will also be hard wired but mounted on the rear turtledeck inside the canopy so I'll Bluetooth it to the Aera 660.

Thanks also to the G3Xpert Steve for all his inputs and advice as well.

Not to hijack this thread but I have a question about a 496 sending data to an Electronics International MUX-8A. The single out wire from the 496 is connected to the GPS in of the MUX-8A. Yet I cannot seem to get the data to be stored on the #8 channel of the MUX-8A. I have tried the NEMA out at 9600 baud rate and this doesn't seem to matter. My channel 8 is turned on and should be receiving the signal. Double checked the wiring. I know there is other equipment that could accomplish this easier but due to saving for a paint job, new equipment will need to wait. I did try and contact EI and they were not able to help. Any ideas why this isn't working? Thanks.