Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
I went for a ride Saturday to check the damage to a friends Bonanza after a gear up landing. After leaving for home I took the long way home and intended to overfly Alcatraz and then the Golden Gate Bridge. What I didn't count on was a TFR for NFL stadiums getting in the way. The red circle on the Garmin extended all the way out to Alcatraz so I ended up going behind the island and not seeing much of the prison. Not knowing if there was a football game going on or not it wasn't worth chancing. (pre season, who knows?)

My question is this. Are the circles depicted on the Garmins accurate in the size of the TFR's? I haven't measured the distance on a chart but from the island to the stadium seems like a long ways and much to far for a TFR as it was shown. Just curious and the Garmin is in the plane at the hanger or I'd pull it out and try it in the simulator mode or something to get a closer look. Traveling a 150knots under the rings of a class B with red circles to boot didn't seem like the time to play around.
