Jim P

Well Known Member
Does anyone have the configuration settings that work from a Garmin 480 to 327 transponder via RS232? I'm trying to figure this one out.

Some of the info

Here's the requirements for GRT to GTX327.

Might help to some extent.

In the EFIS set Serial rate 9600, output Fuel/Air Data (Z format).

On the GTX327 Set Channel 2 to FADC w/ALT.

Need help w/ Garmin 480 & GTX 327 config

I have GRT Horizon, GNS 480 & GTX 327. I had the 480 & 327 talking to each other at one time but they're not working now. The 480 displays a message that the Transponder failed. I'm not getting a Pressure Altitude reading on the 327 and the squawk code is not displayed on the 480.

Here are the relavent setting that I've configured:

GRT set to Fuel/Air Data (Z format) , 9600 baud

GNS 480 Serial Port 6
RX = GTX32 baud = 9600
TX = GTX32 baud = 9600

GTX 327 RS232
Chan Input Output

Will setting Chan 2 to FADC W/ALT help? (on Input, Output or both?)

Any other suggestions?
Is there a way to see the altitude data that the 480 is getting from the EFIS?
A quirk about the 480 is that it MUST be very securly tightened into the tray. It is much more sensitive than any other box that I've got or seen. I had a similar problem and was able to wiggle the box and get another turn or two out of the screw and problem went away.

Got it working - new parameter

Bob, John Stark also suggested re-seating it. He suggested doing it more forcefully the you might think is reasonable and to do it many times - but this did not help.

John also suggested calling Garmin AT support, which I did - and they solved the problem very quickly.

Earlier this week I upgraded the GNS 480 software to V3.2 (however, I think I was missing the altitude data before I did the upgrade). There is a new undocumented parameter in V3.2 software.

In Maintenance Mode, select "MISC". The new parm is ADC. The default is IGNORE. I changed it to USE and bingo - the problem was fixed.
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