
Well Known Member
Went to order a new 430w card from Jepp and was told about garmin service bulletin 1455 from last october
the new card has an orange sticker (cost $195) and requires a new sky bound reader(around $70) and to have the software in the 430w/530w upgraded for the new card to work(cost unknown)
N668G RV10
Garmin is really good at irritating their customers just up to the very edge of rebellion. $200 for an 16 mb chip... come on! Yes, you read that correctly - I recall that the non waas chip was 4 mb, and the waas chips are 4x them. The reasonable market price for the 430w chip should be about $5.

WAAS cards. I've been using him for several years. He mails you an updated card and you mail yours back in a self-addressed envelope, plus $50....great deal.

WAAS cards. I've been using him for several years. He mails you an updated card and you mail yours back in a self-addressed envelope, plus $50....great deal.


Ah, the OP was talking about purchasing one to replace one gone bad, not a simple exchange for data updating.