
Well Known Member
I have a Garmin 430 waas in the RV I purchased. I have no clue when the IFR maps were last updated and l would like to do so.

I went to the Jefferson site and I see their one year subscription. Is there a way to get a one-time update? And the web page talks about an orange card but mine is silver, although they are labeled exactly the same. Did they simply change colors at some point in time?
I have a Garmin 430 waas in the RV I purchased. I have no clue when the IFR maps were last updated and l would like to do so.

I went to the Jefferson site and I see their one year subscription. Is there a way to get a one-time update? And the web page talks about an orange card but mine is silver, although they are labeled exactly the same. Did they simply change colors at some point in time?

IFR charts are on a 28 day cycle. I've never heard of buying a single cycle for a database. I do know people that buy a current paper set to be ready for check rides.
430 data

I have a 430. I buy the annual data for western USA from Jeppesen. You have to get a card read/writer from them or on ebay and a chip. The chip goes in the left slot. The right slot is for terrain. You don't need to update terrain. The annual package doesn't include OSHKOSH because that is eastern USA. So when I go to Oshkosh I buy a one time update of the eastern USA. They sell a one time update. Do to these 430s being older you should be able to find a card read/writer and chip fairly cheap. I've seen the read/writers for free on Facebook. Have fun. I really like my 430s. I have one in my Cherokee and RV-7A. They are solid performers.
If you want to know how old the chart database is, just watch the screen at boot up. It will show the expiration date of the charts.
Different colors have different size memories. Get a silver update for your silver card.
Edit: you understand the charts are only legal to use under ifr for 30 days, if you get a one time update.
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You also don't have to buy from Jepp. Garmin sells the databases themselves, cheaper (and the card reader/programmer is cheaper, too).
Go through Garmin... And yes, you can buy one update. But two or three updates will cost you as much as an annual subscription. will have the one-time or annual subscriptions for download, and as pointed out earlier you will need a specific type of read/write adapter that plugs into your computer to load the data on the card.

Go through Garmin... And yes, you can buy one update. But two or three updates will cost you as much as an annual subscription.

Yep, King does the same thing for the KLN series that we've got in the 172. I keep an annual subscription for 430W in my 9A but only do occasional updates on the KLN since it never goes anywhere IFR.
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