
Active Member

Had the internal battery replaced in the 430 (not a WAAS) and it's not talking to the EFIS any longer (GPS1 not receiving serial 5 and GPS2 not receiving serial 6). Believe it used to work, but really not certain as I bought the plane not long ago and have been working on other things, but am now at the point of learning the avionics better. Is the GRT user manual the best way to configure it to work? Think there are a few different ways to do it but not sure. If any best practices, please let me know.

Your settings probably went back to factory defaults on the 430.

Just make sure the settings are proper on both the GRT and 430. You'll need both the GRT and 430 install manuals.

The 430 Install manual may be tough to find. PM your email if you need a copy.
I agree with Bob - when Garmin works on your 430, it comes back without some settings. Make sure that the Serial Port on the 430 that is conected to the GRT is set to "Aviation" format and 9600 baud (at least that's what my setup notes say).
I'm pretty sure both Bob and Paul are correct...which brings up a good point. After you install all of the avionics in the plane, take a few moments to snap some pictures of the config screens for various avionics (EFIS, GPS, A/P, etc..) so if later you need to re-set the settings you know exactly what they were. We try to do that with most panels in our shop, just to ease future maintenance. Most times avionics go to the mfgr the settings will be defaulted back to "new"...and need reprogrammed. It's a lot easier if you know exactly what they were.

Hmm. Just take a picture of the config. What a novel idea. Maybe I should do that :). As opposed to the big fat matrix of config settings I wrote for my documentation.
EFIS has GPS Now from the 430, but no VOR/ILS - Need ARINC 429?

Made some progress this weekend with the 430. Changed the 430's Channel 1 output to "Aviation" as suggested by one of the guys and now I have GPS on the GRT EFIS display unit (doesn't have an internal GPS).

Question, does anyone know if you need to have ARINC 429 to display the VOR/ILS on the EFIS from the 430? I saw in the wiring diagram only one wire from the 430 to EFIS via an RS232 connection for GPS. The only VOR/ILS I saw consisted of four wires going from the 430 to an ARINC 429 / EFIS / EHSI module with two wires labeled GPS and the other two labeled VOR/ILS, leads me to believe I need ARINC 429. Appreciate confirmation if anyone knows this.

Thanks as always, Tim
LOC I think, not VOR

It is my understanding (since I am wired but not tested/flown) that VOR data from a 430 must go through ARINC in order to be shown on GRT H1.

I am not installing an ARINC receiver on my H1. According to the GRT manuals for the units I have, I can (and have) wired direct from the 430 to the H1 for Localizer and Glideslope. No VOR. If I need a VOR needle, I'll look at the 430 display itself.

This is not the simplest way to wire a 430 to an H1, only the cheapest. So yep, I squeak...
Thanks Bill. Do you remember how you configured the 430 for the ILS connection(s) to the H1? I see there are four channels on the 430, I set the first one to Aviation and GPS works fine. I'm not certain the other three channels need to be set for ILS if you wired them direct, but as of now I haven't noticed ILS displaying on the H1 so was wondering if that may be the reason, or mayber there's a setting on the H1 to set. Or maybe it's user error on the 430, i.e., I don't have it in the right mode.

I didn't wire it so guess I'll need to open the panel to see the connections.

Any thoughts appreciated, Tim
When all else fails, RTFM. Per the manual:

To display VOR data on the EFIS, the optional ARINC 429 interface is required. See Chapter below. However, Localizer/GS information may be displayed without ARINC. See Chapter 9.6.1 above.

Without ARINC, you also loose vertical guidance from the 430. I would reconsider adding ARINC, it certainly simplifies the wiring, as well as adding signficant features.


Bob L. is right on the VOR part, I stand corrected. You need the ARINC interface to communicate OBS info.

Real point here though is you need to understand how it's currently wired and then configure the devices to use that. While the 430 settings might have gotten wiped out, the other end (EFIS) didn't. You should be able to go in to the EFIS settings and see what is there. If HS or WS it's likely that only one of the DUs has the ARINC interface installed. It's a quick check to see what the ARINC, serial and analog settings are.

Thanks Gents,

I've been off the net for a while and hope to get back to this in two weeks after travel, but the builder told me it has ARINC. I looked at the settings 2-3 weeks ago and didn't decipher how to set them without the manual, but will try again after RTFM more closely. Hope to figure it out. Recently, I've been trying to fly as much as possible and soloed in her last week, what a great time.
