
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I am probably missing something really obvious, and I hope that someone with lots of 430 time can help....the question is if you can select an "arbitrary" STAR - one that is not linked to the destination airport.

Coming in to Houston from the west, I am almost always cleared to fly the LISSE arrival. As logical as that arrival is, for some strange reason, my home field (KLVJ) does not list the LISSE arrival as one of the options - if you have KLVJ as the end point of the flight plan, and press "PROC", then go to "SELECT ARRIVAL", LISSE is not an option - but Houston approach clears us for it all the time.

So is there a way to get the LISSE arrival other than to change the destination to someplace like Hobby? That way works, but then when they take you off the arrival and give vectors to a KVLJ approach, you have to do more mickey-mouse on the 430 (increasing the chances for error) to go back to the real destination, then select the approach.

There's got to be a simpler (and safer) way....what am I missing? :confused:

Here's just a guess. Looks like a mistake by the FAA or NOS (Noca? whoever the heck they are these days....I forget). If you look at the Blubell arrival, you'll find Pearland on the graphical view. If you look at the Lisse arrival, Pearland is suspiciously missing. I love a good puzzle but I'm feeling lazy tonight and didn't look any further. :D I don't know if this has anything to do with it but it'd be interesting to see if you could select the Blubell arrival with Pearland as a destination?

If that's the case, you could the query the FAA (I wouldn't even know which office)....maybe it's just an oversight and your problems could be solved in a future database update.

I know it's not what you asked. I don't know anything about the 430 but if it is really just a database error, you could get the ball rolling to get it fixed. On the other hand, maybe there's a good reason why you shouldn't be given the Lisse arrival into Pearland and it's an ATC boo boo.
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You're right John, the Bluebell is perfectly valid for Pearland in the database and the books, which makes it a puzzle, just like you say....

I might give Houston Approach a call on the phone, and ask them about it - as a flight ops kind of guy, it makes me curious!


I haven't tried this, but I would imagine one option would be (assuming you have the time enroute to set it up) to select the approach by using a different airport, and then once you have it set up in the 'Flightplan' portion you can then go into that chapter, delete the other airport and instead put your home base in there, as the last waypoint. I know that you do have the ability to delete waypoints out of your plan, so I don't see why this would be a problem.

I'll try this today at the flight school in our FRASCA sim and see if it works.
I have a 430

and my head is spinning just looking at the thing!..Yipes..:)

But I assume you get your updates from Jeppesen...What if you posed your question to them...Maybe they can go get the info from the FAA and then you'd be sure to see it on your next 28 day upgrade?

Just a thought

7a, IFR wannabe
Answers from Houston Approach

I gave Houston Approach a call this afternoon on the phone, and they agreed that the most logical arrival for Pearland from the west was the LISSE. The controller I talked with also said that they are aware that it isn't listed in the database as feeding Pearland, but that there is nothing prohibiting them from issuing it (which I think is great, as it is very direct). I then asked the question "So....why isn't it listed in the database?" and the response was that Houston Center hadn't requested that it be listed that way.

He volunteered to put in a request to Center for Center to request that it (LISSE Arrival) be listed in the database for Pearland, but also said that even if they submitted it today, it will be about 10 months before it makes it into the database.

Ahh well....all things in their time. I hope I still have a medical when it finally happens! In the meantime, he suggested that I just request "Direct Pearland" instead of the arrival. experience is that Houston Approach is too busy to honor requests....

Still wonder of there is a way to fool the 430 database!

Garmin Stuff

Hey Paul,

I haven't had the need yet but you can go in and add your own information. You can make your own way points with Lat/Lon or other information. I fly into Vegas occasionally and one of the Arrival Procedures directs you to a Marina on lake Mead. I'm going to add it to my database for future use.

I discovered a few weeks ago that Paul Rosales's airport LOO is not in the database. I plan on adding it.

There is a bunch of stuff the 430 can do that I haven't even begun to work on yet.

I have a 430 in my RV-8 so I am pretty familiar with it. I used the computer simulator to try the following and it worked although it is a little cumbersome. First select direct KHOU, then Proc, Arrival, then the Lisse5 arrival. Now delete the KHOU at the top of the Flight Plan by pushing CLR. Now you have the Lisse 5 loaded with KHOU as the destination. Go to the last entry of the Flight Plan, KHOU and change that to KLVJ. The rest of the procedure remains in the Flight Plan with KLVJ as the destination. Hope this helps.

Sam Ward KCXO
Thanks Sam - I'll give that a try. That's something I could do while still out west of town, and then be all set once I got into the terminal area.
