
Well Known Member
With the Garmin 430 on its way to being obsolete in Garmin's eyes, is it worth the money to have one installed? I've been thinking about an upgrade from the 300XL I currently have. I was hoping their prices were going to fall with all the new boxes Garmin has put out over the last 2 years, but they seem to be holding steady. I am not instrument rated but would like to be someday.

Had one installed on my previous aircraft which I flew for more than 600hrs. Yes, it is obsolete according Garmin...

I wouldn?t buy one which is not a W model. Still, I found the unit clear and reliable, if adequate cooling is provided.
One needs to learn about using the unit. Garmin also has a simulator app for the 430, and this demonstrates that operating the unit is not as straightforward as one might think. Entering a FPL was more chores than pleasure, but once airborne using the 430 was a good experience.

Buy one today? Looking at all the options available I?d go another way, unless you find a little used cheapie ;)
It really depends on your requirements and budget.

Garmin has recently release some less expense IFR navigators as well as the more expensive 6xx/7xx xi line replacing the current GTN products.

Yes, so the initial GTN series is out of production, although they will be supported like the 430 for many years.

If I was making the decision, I would purchase a product that is currently in production.
GNS 430

With the Garmin 430 on its way to being obsolete in Garmin's eyes, is it worth the money to have one installed? I've been thinking about an upgrade from the 300XL I currently have. I was hoping their prices were going to fall with all the new boxes Garmin has put out over the last 2 years, but they seem to be holding steady. I am not instrument rated but would like to be someday.


We introduced the GNS Navigators in 1998, over 20 years ago, and still fully support them in repair for worn or damaged units, as well as WAAS upgrades. We do not consider them to be obsolete units, however we have continued to improve upon our original equipment line and have a lot of great options for you to consider. If you do not have a need for the NAV/COM portion of the GNS unit, the GPS 175 may be a good choice, and will likely be cheaper than a second hand GNS unit. The GPS 175 is an IFR Certified GPS Navigator that will provide you with RNAV approach capability. They are available for under $5000 new, and carry a 2 year warranty. Here is a link to the GPS 175 Product Page.

Please let us know if you have any other questions!


Thanks Justin.

I have considered that unit, however I like having 2 coms. Can you say how much longer Garmin is going to be supporting the GNS units?

GNC 355

Thanks Justin.

I have considered that unit, however I like having 2 coms. Can you say how much longer Garmin is going to be supporting the GNS units?


In that case, the GNC 355 may be a good choice as it will add a COM radio to the GPS Navigator function of the GPS 175.

I do not know of any plans to discontinue support for GNS units.


In that case, the GNC 355 may be a good choice as it will add a COM radio to the GPS Navigator function of the GPS 175.

I do not know of any plans to discontinue support for GNS units.



If I could have a do-over, I would've gone with the GNC-355 over my 430W. With the caveat that my #2 radio is a nav/com. VORs may be going the way of ADF, and GPS may be reliable, but with GPS jamming exercises and general redundancy, I like having ILS/LOC capability. Unfortunately, the GNC-355 hadn't been released at that point.