
Well Known Member
As another thread ( on TNC connectors has gotten into a lot of meat on the upgrades, I thought maybe we should start a new thread on some of the subleties.

I just pulled my 430 for the upgrade. The local avionics guy at KANE, who has done a lot of them, has a couple comments. One, the coax length does matter. I'm at around 9 feet, so we'll just have to test it. Second, the BNC/TNC adaptor is acceptable, in fact, it costs less than the TNC connector, so I plan to use it. Third, he is expecting trouble with ELT interference, since my ELT antenna is only about 2 feet away from the GPS antenna. This will be tested, but I think the basic issue is com energy coupling into the ELT and re-radiating back out in the form of trouble for the gps (I might not have this stated correctly, but it is about right).

I know that there are guys out there who simply have installed the WAAS units without all the proper testing. Be mindful that there is a lot more to it with the WAAS.
Interference test WAAS 430 upgrade

I sat with the avionics guy in my plane when we did the interference tests. The test was simple, we started the plane and let the 430 find the satellites. We then transmitted a bunch of different frequencies on both com radios, while watching the signal bars on the satellite page of the 430. What we were looking for were dropouts of one or more satellites' signal strength. We saw no real changes with either radio on any of the frequencies.

The gps antenna coax length is about 11 feet in my plane, and the ELT antenna is about 3 feet from the gps antenna. I understand that feedback through the ELT system has been seen to cause problems.

The upgraded system will take a little getting used to, as several small things have changed. I'll have to actually study the book, I guess!

I had the plane fly a precision gps approach today into Anoka County (vfr conditions). There is an element of magic when sitting there letting the airplane I built in the garage fly the "Virtual ILS" with such precision. The needles were never more than about a line's width off dead nuts. Only thing to do was manage the engine and trim.

Now, just need to finish that instrument rating...
530 upgrade

Recently had garmin 530 waas/terrain upgrade. Trutrak Soccerer autopilot not hooking up. No gps signal . Neither Trutrak nor John Starks telephone tips on settings have helped. Would appreciate any members assistance. N777VY RV7 145 hours since December 2006 virgilwyoung
Recently had garmin 530 waas/terrain upgrade. Trutrak Soccerer autopilot not hooking up. No gps signal . Neither Trutrak nor John Starks telephone tips on settings have helped. Would appreciate any members assistance. N777VY RV7 145 hours since December 2006 virgilwyoung
With the upgrade all port settings, user waypoints and configuration are reset to base.

When you say "no gps signal" -- Are you saying that the 530 is not getting any GPS signal--confirmed from the Nav/Signal page? Are you using the new antenna?

Have you verified that the ARINC (output) settings are same as before? I assume you are using ARINC from the 530 to the Sorcerer? See Sorcerer install manual page 2 for ARINC configuration to 530.
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