
Well Known Member
I am considering upgrading my D60 to D100 and install the 420W I removed from my Bonanza when I sold the plane. I am still in the planning stage, but have a quick question:

Can I get course (CDI) and glide slope (GS) guidance flying LPV using 420W output driving D100's HSI function without a HS34?

Thanks in advance,

Robin Hou
I have a 420W driving the HSI on a D180 without a HS34. It also worked prior to the upgrade to W. Not familiar with the D100 but expect it would be very similar. Would have to check the settings but from memory it?s serial RS 232 output in Aviation format. It also drives the HSI in my G5. Some say you shouldn?t feed RS 232 to two units but this combination works. The problem with the 420W (and the 430W I presume) is that you can?t have Aviation out on two channels. Once selected on one you can?t select it on any of the others.

Sort of

I've got a similar setup with a 400W (no radios - gps only) and the D10A. The D100 is basically a big screen D10A.

With no HS34, the Dynon will track the GPS data sent over via the serial interface... BUT

1) No turn anticipation. Once on a new leg it will overshoot and then try to fix the problem (not very well from what I recall)

2) big problem... it doesn't know that you are in approach mode which should dial up the sensitivity. So, under the hood, my safety pilot asked me why I was a mile off track --- well gee, I'm less than 1/2 full scale, what?

So, I added a HS34. I had no panel space left so I just remote mounted it as all I use it for is to couple the GPS to the Dynon.
I have dynon d180, garmin 400w, hs34 and trutrak vizion 385 autopilot. The d180 will display couse guidance via rs232 with no gpss steering or approach coupling. If you want glideslope display, approach coupling and gpss steering you will need the hs34 in order to utilize the airinc 429 from the garmin. I have a selector switch on the rs232 line so i can drive the d180 display and autopilot with either the 400w or ifly740. The system will show an lpv glideslope when the d180 is in gps 2 and the selector switch is on the 400w. The ifly740 is on gps 1. The system is absolutely fantastic. It will shoot a coupled approach all the way to the ground. I chickened out in testing at 50ft agl and it does a beautiful autopilot coupled go-around out to the missed approach hold. The only quirk that i have found is that once in approach logic, the autopilot will not disengage from the airinc 429 approach guidance regardless of the selector switch position. You have to enter direct to a waypoint to erase the approach and then cancel the direct to guidance. The system will revert back to rs232 steering and then it is selectable to either gps.

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My 420W/D180 combination anticipates turns and roll steers beautifully. Put it to the test yesterday with 140 degree turn on to an approach track and it was spot on.
