Well Known Member
Has anyone taken the information displayed on a Garmin 396 and display it on a different screen at the same time? I would like to have a screen in the back seat of my RV so passengers could see whatever I am looking at in the front seat. Has it been done? If so, could you point me in that dirrection? Thanks!
Although I have never looked inside a 396 (and don't intend to take mine apart!) I seriously doubt that it would be feasible to try and repeat the screen info - my guess is that the display board is so integrated into the rest of the unit that it wouldn't be a matter of just finding the cable to the display.

But,k you could use the "serial out" GPS data to drive a flat panel PC running Anywhere Map or other mapping software.

I'm also pretty sure that is not what you had in mind, but hey, it's better than nothing....
