
Active Member
I was considering the Garmin 396, but then I found I needed to determine the monthly operation costs.

XM weather $50 /month
Jespen update ?

Anyone purchase this and using it yet ? I would like to hear some feedback if you think its worth. It would seem to me that the monthy costs are some what prohibiting to the part time aviators. hahaha Yes, I know aviation some what prohibiting itself :)

Any feedback you can share ? How effective is this for short local XC and what is the XC distance you think the weatehr becomes most benificial ?
my understanding, we don't have one yet :) ... is you can get a smaller package for 29.95 a month for weather and add XM radio for another $5.00 ... or the full WX package for 49.95 a month.

I have the 396 and the $29.95 subscription which so far I like very much. U will have to determine what functions u want and subscribe accordingly. The WX download is my main interest.
Doug Preston