
Well Known Member
I have a Garmin 396 installed in my RV6 panel. The glare of the screen is bad. At times all I can see is my Shirt. Any fixes??
Dick Jason
Garmin screen glare

N661DJ said:
I have a Garmin 396 installed in my RV6 panel. The glare of the screen is bad. At times all I can see is my Shirt. Any fixes??
Dick Jason
I get the same with my 196, and I found that if I wear a dark shirt, no problem.
You might try screen protectors designed for palm pilots. You would have to trim it to fit. On the cover of a package that I have it says -protects for scratches and reduces glare.
Tilt it up!

N661DJ said:
I have a Garmin 396 installed in my RV6 panel. The glare of the screen is bad. At times all I can see is my Shirt. Any fixes??
Dick Jason

Tilt it up! (Which is why I personally think the AirGizmos dock is far from ideal.)

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
Tilt it probably best...If that doesn't excite you...try fabricating a small hood-like shroud that shades the glare???
Try this. Put the 396 in front of your wife/copilot. Place a black sheet over her head, making sure that the 396 is covered, also. Ask her what she sees. Fly in the direction she says. You now have your own EWO, and your wife gets to feel like she is contributing to the flight. Just don't get too into it, and try to drop anything from the airplane.

Garmin Glare

I too was not pleased with the glare and the loss of color saturation when you view the Garmin 296 from an angle.

I am using the Air Gizmo and modified it by installing a hinge on one side so that I can tilt it toward me. I will try to post apic or two.

Jeff Vaughan
Glare solution

My first pic insert attemp. Hope it works.

Jeff Vaughan
Ram mounts

I really wanted to use the Airgizmos mount, because of the glare I went with a $28 Ram mount from Aircraft Spruce. The mount comes complete and is not cheesy, and I can point the thing right at me.

I had the same problem with my 296. The same position that was OK for the 295 was no good for the 296. It's installed in the stack on my right. I installed it with about 15 degrees of tilt towrd me and now it's acceptable. That said, it's in a C-150, not an RV and the glare issue will likely be worse in the RV when I get it flying. I think it will need a ball joint, ultimately.
thallock said:
Try this. Put the 396 in front of your wife/copilot. Place a black sheet over her head, making sure that the 396 is covered, also. Ask her what she sees. Fly in the direction she says. You now have your own EWO, and your wife gets to feel like she is contributing to the flight. Just don't get too into it, and try to drop anything from the airplane.


:D :D :D
SteinAir has nifty molded offset brackets available in 3 sizes. You can tip raidos or whatever easily with them.
Jim flying RV-7A Painting fuselage on RV-10