
Well Known Member
Does anyone know if a gma 350c audio panel will interface to the 3xtouch the way a 245 will. Trying to decide between the two for a future 3xtouch upgrade. I like the way a 245 will interface with pages on the 3xtouch.
No, the GMA 350c does not have the same interface capabilities as the GMA 245. The GMA 245 was specifically designed for the experimental market to work with the G3X Touch.

Is GMA 245 and GMA 345 the same interface with G3X Touch? I know the 245 is experimental without marker beacon. Trying to decide between the two for future G3X Touch in a RV7 and get the same functions displayed on the g3x.

Also will the 350c ever interface like the 245 does with a g3x?

Also I see the gma 345 has no rs232 or canbus so how does it interface to the 3xtouch?
Is GMA 245 and GMA 345 the same interface with G3X Touch? I know the 245 is experimental without marker beacon. Trying to decide between the two for future G3X Touch in a RV7 and get the same functions displayed on the g3x.

The GMA 245 uses the CAN bus and has much higher integration with G3X Touch as explained in this posting. We highly recommend the GMA 245 over the GMA 345 unless you feel you must have a marker beacon.

The GMA 345 uses RS-232, and while you can't control as much from the GDU 4XX touchscreen, that generally isn't necessary for a panel mount audio panel and the primary functionality is provided with the RS-232 interface. For example, when you push the COM1 or COM2 mic button on the GMA 245/342/345, the selected COM radio is highlighted at the top of the display so you don't have to look at the audio panel to know which COM is selected before pressing PTT. In this example COM1 is selected as indicated by the bright green active frequency. The G3X Touch system learns which COM is selected by communicating with the GMA 245/245R/342/345 audio panel.


GMA 245

GMA 345


Also will the 350c ever interface like the 245 does with a g3x?
Not sure, but it is something we are considering.

Also I see the gma 345 has no rs232 or canbus so how does it interface to the 3xtouch?
As mentioned above, the GMA 345 has an RS-232 interface.

GMA 350c

Is it still the case that the GMA-350 will only interface through the GTN and not through the G3X?


Good Morning,

Yes this is still the case, the GMA 245 offers by far the most compatibility with the G3X Touch. If you want to use a GMA 350c, you will need to control it through a GTN.


Give us Telligence with 245

Good Morning,

Yes this is still the case, the GMA 245 offers by far the most compatibility with the G3X Touch. If you want to use a GMA 350c, you will need to control it through a GTN.



Justin - can you comment about ability to add Telligence (Voice command) with GMA245 and 650xi. The 245 seems to be the best for us experimental guys but it won't work with Telligence.....
GMA 345 not displayed

I have the GMA 345 wired to the G3X Touch PFD.

The serial bus communicates, it will show the Audio Data Bar on the display as long as the GMA245 Audio Panel is selected in the G3X config menu. It says AUDIO PANEL MISMATCH, obviously, but will display the indications.

As soon as I set the Audiopanel to the correct GMA 345, the Mismatch message disappears but the Audio panel indications are no more present on the PFD after reboot.

What am I doing wrong?
GMA 345 vs. GMA 245

I have the GMA 345 wired to the G3X Touch PFD.

The serial bus communicates, it will show the Audio Data Bar on the display as long as the GMA245 Audio Panel is selected in the G3X config menu. It says AUDIO PANEL MISMATCH, obviously, but will display the indications.

As soon as I set the Audiopanel to the correct GMA 345, the Mismatch message disappears but the Audio panel indications are no more present on the PFD after reboot.

What am I doing wrong?


The GMA 245 was purpose built for integration with G3X Touch displays, and communicates with the G3X Touch via CAN. The GMA 345 does not have the same level of integration as the GMA 245, it communicates with the G3X Touch via serial bus, as you mention. This datapath only facilitates limited integration with the G3X Touch. You will want to configure your displays to reflect that you have a GMA 345 connected to the system.



The GMA 245 was purpose built for integration with G3X Touch displays, and communicates with the G3X Touch via CAN. The GMA 345 does not have the same level of integration as the GMA 245, it communicates with the G3X Touch via serial bus, as you mention. This datapath only facilitates limited integration with the G3X Touch. You will want to configure your displays to reflect that you have a GMA 345 connected to the system.




this is what I already did. The serial bus is set to GARMIN INSTRUMENT DATA and the Audio Panel Type to GMA 345 in the G3X config menu. The panel will not show on the CNS bar. And yes, it is enabled to show on the PFD.



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With a GMA 345, you are not going to have the highly integrated control of the audio panel through the G3X Touch display as you would with a GMA 245. Please see page 35-143 of the G3X Touch Installation Manual for more information.




This I do understand, all I want is the G3X touch to display the selected Com and Mic plus the marker beacons as described in the manual.



This I do understand, all I want is the G3X touch to display the selected Com and Mic plus the marker beacons as described in the manual.



Can you send your pictures to [email protected]? The links appear to have a problem, we are unable to open them.


Thanks Dad's RV-10

Justin, I’m already in touch with your G3Xpert team via email..
