
Well Known Member
I’ve dug thru the Garmin & Dynon manuals and contacted Garmin but haven’t got an answer yet. Question is - Does the GNC 300XL transmit date and clock time as part of its data stream? Manuals say the 430 & 530 series do not but no mention of the 300XL. I’m not getting date & time update on my D10a. The D10a is connected to my D10 thru the Dynon data highway with the D10 connected to the data stream from the 300XL.
I had the same question a dozen years ago when I hooked up a GRT Sport.
The 300XL does not send the time ☹️
I bought a cheap ‘hockey puck’ WAAS GPS and hooked it up as GPS2. My startup checklist included switching to GPS2 until the time updated then back to GPS1 (300XL)
It was (I was told) one of, if not the, first IFR GPS certified unit. Was way before EFIS’s so whoda thunk there would be a need back then 😎.
Plus, it is Garmin - they decide what we need!