
Well Known Member
In addition to the Garmin 300XL I have a SL-30. My 300XL is very weak. The SL-30 blows it away. I have swapped antennas and tested the coax cable. I purchased this radio used from a vendor, but the warranty is expired. The NAV functions flawlessly. Although I have received replies when transmitting to ATC nearby, I'm leery when transmitting in the blind over unicom etc. There is a 1.57542 ghz notch filter installed at the back of the radio. There is no performance change with or without the filter installed.

I'm curious if there is a way to test the filter. What type of performance do others have using this radio.

Temporary installation of a "thru-line" watt meter will show you the power out and VSWR. This would be my first check.
Thanks Mel,
One of our fellow builders and ham operator is searching for one as I write. I'll post the findings