
Is there anyone out there that is using a Garmin 300XL TSO'ed GPS interfaced to a Garmin EFIS for IFR either with or withour a HS-34?

That is my plan for avionics, but neither Garmin nor Dynon seems to be able to provide and concrete direction whether it will work or not. Please help if anyone has any information on this.

300XL interface

I've got my 300XL connected serially to a GRT Sport which displays the CDI (works great). I also have an AK950L Annunciator panel, because the Sport doesn't provide that functionality. I don't know if the Dynon does or not. One way or another, those annunciators are required.
The (only) reason for an ARINC 429 interfaceis to provide OBS data back to the 300XL when you are in HOLD mode. The Serial data stream doesn't provide that. You can set the course in Hold mode on the 300XL itself, but the approved configuration is to do it on the external CDI. So to meet the letter of the law, you'd need the HS-34 for the Dynon.
Hi Scott,
I have a FD-180 and a 300XL hooked up. I'm not flying yet, but the Dynon displays the data from the 300XL with no problems. The link above is the response to a question I asked Dynon. I do have an MD-1441 annunciator mounted on my glareshield which I believe is necessary to enable the 300XL to be used IFR. I just left the NAV/GPS portion unwired since the Dynon controls this internally. The auto-sensitivity feature would only be available with the addition of the HS-34. Here is a picture of the info from the 300XL on the FD-180