
Well Known Member
Lately my 296 has been working on and off. When it will turn on, it works fine, but after turning it off and trying to turn it back on for a later flight, sometimes it won't turn on. The battery can be fully charged, and I can have it plugged in, but it is like the power button won't work sometimes. When it is doing this, it won't automatically turn on when I plug it in. :confused:

Anybody experience this problem? Or have any ideas?
My 396 just started doing something weird. Working fine yesterday morning, then on the return flight yesterday afternoon, she powered up to the initial dim screen but stayed there locked. I had to remove the battery to shut it off. The "master reset" didn't even work (OUT+QUIT+NEAREST+POWER - wait for beep - release power button while holding the others for another 12 seconds). So.... I'm FedEx-ing the 396 back to Garmin today. Some times these unshielded handhelds just die. Too many cosmic rays, methinks. ;)

Good luck.

Call the Garmin tech line 1-800-800-1020. They have been very helpful in the past with me.

Hope thast helps

C-GOYA RV7"eh?"
Problem with 296 Jepp database

I discovered a problem with the current Jepp database on the GPSMap 296.

Specifically, there is an error in the reporting of the class 'E' control zone airspace for Canadian airports.

The problem is that AGL data is reported as MSL. For example if an airport is at 1100', and the CZ extends to 3000' AGL, the 296 reports the CZ as 3000' MSL, rather than the correct 4100' MSL. [eg. CYFF, CYDC]

I contacted Garmin, and there response is that 'all information in the GPSMap 296 database is correct', and to contact Jeppesen for further clarification.

You can make your own judgment on Garmin's support, but I want to warn everyone to be careful trusting the database.

On one hand, Garmin says 'all information in the GPSMap 296 database is correct' (emphasis mine), and on the other hand, I've found errors.

I know the 296 is for VFR use only, and that you have to acknowledge Garmin's disclaimer when it's powered up. When errors are pointed out to them, however, I would expect a more diligent response.

Vern Little
vlittle said:
I discovered a problem with the current Jepp database on the GPSMap 296.

Specifically, there is an error in the reporting of the class 'E' control zone airspace for Canadian airports.

The problem is that AGL data is reported as MSL. For example if an airport is at 1100', and the CZ extends to 3000' AGL, the 296 reports the CZ as 3000' MSL, rather than the correct 4100' MSL. [eg. CYFF, CYDC]
I do have the exact same issue with the European database here in Italy.

Looks like Garmin does not honor really well the difference between MSL and AGL, which to me is a big bummer, given the fact that the GPS knows what the terrain elevation is since it's got a terrain database built in... of course there is no barometric altitude, so one must take the GPS altitude reading with a pinch of salt, but confusing AGL and MSL should definitely not happen.

No big deal for most of us, since we all fly with paper maps on our kneeboards, right? :D

Seriously, this bug is a bit of a pain since the GPS warns of getting into a restricted airspace while one is well clear of it... too bad! :mad:

Ciao from Italy!

lucaberta said:

I do have the exact same issue with the European database here in Italy.

Looks like Garmin does not honor really well the difference between MSL and AGL, which to me is a big bummer, given the fact that the GPS knows what the terrain elevation is since it's got a terrain database built in... of course there is no barometric altitude, so one must take the GPS altitude reading with a pinch of salt, but confusing AGL and MSL should definitely not happen.

No big deal for most of us, since we all fly with paper maps on our kneeboards, right? :D

Seriously, this bug is a bit of a pain since the GPS warns of getting into a restricted airspace while one is well clear of it... too bad! :mad:

Ciao from Italy!


So my question for Garmin is:

If a feature does not work, is it a feature? Should you be charging money for it? Alternatively, if Garmin's data is less reliable outside of the USA, should they be charging less in the countries affected?

Garmin's reputation is being affected, not because of the database errors, but because of their attitude about admitting them and fixing them.

In my airplane, I am putting a placard for all to see "GPS Class E control zone data unreliable". If anyone asks why, I'll tell them.

mburch said:
I noticed that Garmin released a software update for the 296 this week:


You might want to give that a try and give Garmin a call back if you're still having troubles.


Matt, thanks for the heads up.
The Garmin update is dated Sept. 7, with the following changes:

"Changes made from version 4.40 to 4.50:

* Corrected issue that could cause flights to be recorded while driving on land when the unit is in aviation mode.
* Improved alerting for airspace with upper or lower bounds specified as AGL."

The second update is likely my issue. I'll give it a try and post the results.


once again you're providing me with great information about my GPS! :)

It looks like I am affected by both bugs reported in the 4.50 release notes, as I also often use the GPS in aviation mode while driving. It bummed me to see so many false flights showing up in the GPS logbook, good thing they've fixed this too!

Too bad my Garmin is back home in Rome and I am in London today... will need to wait one more day before I can test the new bug fixes.

On a sidenote, it's weird I did not receive the usual automatic email that Garmin sent me when newer version of the firmware are made available, it surely did work OK at least two or three times in the past months. Not sure if anyone is using the same service freely provided by Garmin on their website.

Ciao, Luca
vlittle said:
Matt, thanks for the heads up.
The Garmin update is dated Sept. 7, with the following changes:

"Changes made from version 4.40 to 4.50:

* Corrected issue that could cause flights to be recorded while driving on land when the unit is in aviation mode.
* Improved alerting for airspace with upper or lower bounds specified as AGL."

The second update is likely my issue. I'll give it a try and post the results.


Well, this update did not help. Garmin continues to deny the error in the database, and is directing me to Jeppesen. So much for customer support!

vlittle said:
Well, this update did not help. Garmin continues to deny the error in the database, and is directing me to Jeppesen. So much for customer support!

This is not intended to inflame but perhaps Garmin is not incorrect in that they have faithfully displayed the data that Jeppeson provides for them.
I.e. they have no errors in their representation.
Garmin probably has no interest in directly correcting Jeppeson's database therefore they ask that you contact the data supplier to resolve errors for which they (Jeppeson) are responsible. I suspect that Garmin's interest is in the box that displays the data. If their box was incorrectly interpreting the data from Jeppeson, then you'd have a beef with Garmin.

Just a guess at their response to your concerns.

mlw450802 said:
This is not intended to inflame but perhaps Garmin is not incorrect in that they have faithfully displayed the data that Jeppeson provides for them.
I.e. they have no errors in their representation.
Garmin probably has no interest in directly correcting Jeppeson's database therefore they ask that you contact the data supplier to resolve errors for which they (Jeppeson) are responsible. I suspect that Garmin's interest is in the box that displays the data. If their box was incorrectly interpreting the data from Jeppeson, then you'd have a beef with Garmin.

Just a guess at their response to your concerns.


Hi Mike. I respectfully disagree. If I had purchased the database directly from Jepp, I would turn to them for support. However, the database has been customized for the GPSMap 296, and I purchased it from Garmin, not Jepp.

If Garmin had said "We agree that the database is wrong, and we have forwarded your complaint to Jeppesen", then I would be satisfied. Unforturnately, they have wrongfully claimed that the database is correct (twice), and told me that I should take my problem elsewhere.

It's not always the answer that's important, it's how you give it. What motivates Garmin to upset a customer with a legitimate complaint?

For example, if the screen on the GPSMap 296 went blank, would they tell me that they think that a blank screen is normal, and to contact the screen manufacturer if I didn't agree?

I paid a lot of money for the 296 (twice as much as the Lowrance equivalent), thinking that I would get better support. Maybe Garmin doesn't realize that forums like this exist and that a bad rep can spread like wildfire.

Out of control zones

Further to my saga of class e control zone data incorrectly displayed on the GPSMap 296:

I received a prompt response from Jeppesen saying the data was accurately represented from the original source material, the Designated Airspace Handbook (DAH).

They provided me the excerpts as a reference.

In the DAH, the CZ ceilings are properly cited as 'AAE' (Above Aerodrome Elevation), however Jeppesen incorrectly interprets this as MSL.

In fact, technical support at Jepp says "All of the DAH airspace altitudes are ASL Above Sea Level (MSL) alts", so I think they made a bad assumption.

I think we are getting to the bottom of the problem here. It does look like an error in Jeppesen's database. I will keep everyone posted on the outcome.

Kudos to Jeppesen for the prompt and complete response (even if it was wrong!). T


**Update** I just got a response from Jepessen... they agree that there is an error in their database, and have raised an official 'incident report' to correct. Then, I mentioned that Italy has the same problem... so maybe they have to look at the whole world.

I always wanted to change the world..... :)
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got your email, thanks.

I have already replied with a few comments and examples of the error I am seeing with TMAs in Italy, let's see if Julie needs me to provide more details on my case.

Let's hope that Garmin and Jeppesen will be able to fix this annoying bug!

Ciao, Luca