Horace Blok

I'm New Here
From South Africa my best wishes.

I just can't be the only person in the World with the combination of a 296 and a Mac. Yet I'm unable to find the issue below from the www similar to mine.

PROBLEM: Cant get my updated Mac to communicate with my 296 with fly.garmin despite having installed Communicator Plugin for Mac software version 4.2.0. Any tips??

As a back up, I have a Windows based platform stashed away and from this device, I had no issues at all updating my Garmin. To get the Mac to do the job is a challenge. I hope someone out there can assist.
I've had the same problem. Every time I try to update my Garmin 495.
I've had to call every time. They always answer with the same thing, "Do you have a Windows based computer? Try that."
I have never gotten the MAC to do it.
You aren't alone...I think all current generation Mac users have the same problem. Only reason I keep a 10 year old PC laptop around...don't know what I'll do when the old PC craps out!
Have you tried Boot Camp, Parallels or one of the other programs?

I'm only familiar with Parallels. It's a general purpose program that will allow the installation of Windows on the Mac, after which it will let you run Windows programs pretty much side by side with your Mac programs. I've got an older version of Parallels, Windows and the Mac and while it's not perfect, it's adequate.

Haven't tried what you're doing, though.

I think Boot Camp comes with the Mac and lets you convert part of the Mac to a Windows computer, and then run either the Windows side or the Mac side. I've never used it.

New Mac's have a USB 3.0 which is more than likely the issue. I had the same issue and then noticed the note on the update page saying USB 3.0 may not be compatible. (You need a 2.0) I ended up using an older windows machine that was collecting dust. Worked like a charm. I despise windows based machines at a cellular level but they come in handy for companies who have not joined the 21st century.
And its a year later and still the "same old same old". C'mon Garmin and Apple - keep us your customers happy. My Windows based machine for these updates is beyond "steam driven" yet it can still do it. My latest and greatest Mac can't.

Has anyone resolved this perhaps?

I have Parallels - it still doesn't work. :(
VMware Fusion...

Pretty much the only reason I keep VMware Fusion on my MacBook is to do updates and download flights from my 696... works though.