
Active Member
Now, let's talk about *serious* feature requests to Garmin!

I am planning on a panel for my soon-to-be-delivered Pipistrel Virus, basically an ultralight motorglider built in Slovenia. I fell in love with the fact that you can shut off the Rotax 80HP engine, manually feather the prop, and just soar... :)

I will first take delivery of the plane with a basic panel (my 296 will be fitted with an Airgizmos cradle) but I am already thinking about what to do next, particularly in the EFIS arena. BMA looks good, but seems to have not so good a track record in delivery and software stability, Dynon has a nice EFIS+EMS combo, but lacks GPS input at this time...

I was wondering... I plan on getting a Garmin SL30 radio, as I like very much the possibility to also monitor the standby frequency, both on the COM and NAV receivers. On top of that, the serial interface to the SL30 makes it very nice to interface to the 296, which at this time can already send the frequency and ID of the VORs in proximity, and can also pre-load the COM frequencies for the neighbouring airports.

But the SL30 also sends the CDI and GS information back via the same serial link, and it would just be great to be able to display on the Garmin 296 HSI the needles and flags coming from the SL30 radio, using the virtual DME coming from the GPS, and maybe displaying DST (distance speed and time) on the face of the SL30...

It's only software, the hardware is already there, and both devices come from the same company, so having a tighter integration between the two units would make even a stronger case for builders to select the combo.

Then, the Dynon FlightDEK-180 would be more than adequate as EFIS; at this stage I am curious to see what kind of GPS integration they are planning, so far BMA, with their HSI that does just exactly what I described above, seems to be a better choice, if one would like to have a full HSI in the panel.

Would anyone reading this forum be interested in having a GPSmap 296 working as HSI in the way I described? I would very much welcome any further comment or discussion.

Thanks, Luca