
Well Known Member
When removing the power cable from the back of my Garmin 296, the connector on the power cable broke and left part of it in my garmin plug. This is the third time the power cable has broken when I have removed it to do an update between my 296 and 496. Either I am the unluckiest person or Garmin really has a defective power cable design. I am wondering if I can put some kind of lubricant on the new power cable I have to buy to help it slide in/out and hopefully prevent it from breaking in the future?
Well Tom, it's not just you.....I've had two of the 'em come apart (luckily, between Louise and I, we have three power cord adapters and a couple of cables wired in to the airplanes, so we haven't run out - yet!) on me. I think I glued one back together with super glue, and it has stayed OK. I'm glad that the 696 went to a different connector - looks to be molded as one piece!

Let us know if you find a selection - you might try dielectric silicone grease.

I bought an after market one. Cheaper than Garmin's and seems to be holding up well. Can't remember the brand. I'll try to research.
Try a Google search on 010-10513-00. You'll find several options.
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I find that a small wire tie on the connector where the wire enters the connector strengthens the totally inadequate strain relief designed into the plug.
Hello, new guy here.... I've also broken a few on my 296 and found a fairly decent fix. My data/power cable is only using the DC power lines and one serial out line so all the other contacts are just coming along for the ride. After practicing on the remains of a re-glued connector, I took the new cable and a small scratch awl and used it's tapered point (pushed straight-in only) to stretch open the unused gold sockets so that they wouldn't grip unit's pins so well. On other connectors, I've tried removing the outer four gold contacts but they don't contribute much to the overall insertion or removal force. Opening the unused sockets worked so well that I slightly opened the remaining sockets and, in about a year's worth of use, have not noticed any hiccups.

Dan Hdx
Call Garmin's 800 customer service number and ask for a new cable. They sent me one for the plane and a replacement car kit as they were both coming apart.

They said they had a production problem which they have since fixed.