
Well Known Member
I have a Garmin GNC 250XL in my plane. I fly mostly in formation with others. There are 2 planes that I fly with which have Icom IC-A200 radio installed in them.

When I fly with Icom IC-A200 equipped plane in formation, the transmission from Icom would trip my 250XL squelch which requires resetting my auto-squelch by pressing SQ button. Sometimes it is so bad that I cannot hear any transmission for the rest of the flight even after I have reset the SQ button multiple times. When the problem occurred, the 250XL continued to transmit fine but I heard no transmission.

I have no problem with other planes with other radios in formation; only the Icom radios cause this issue. Also no issue with ATC when I am flying solo.

Any advise on how to pin point the issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.