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Hi Guys

Deciding on which one to go for. Can anyone share their practical experiences with tuning the audio panel on the g3x touch (245r) in flight versus the 245 panel mount. I know the functionalities between the 2 are very similar.

Thanks in advance
I went through the same thing .. it came down to whether you want a clean panel or slightly easier access to functions. There is no performance difference afaik other than you get hard keys to manipulate vs the touch screen. It's the same for the autopilot and radios, either a dedicated panel or integrated with the touch.

In the end, I went with a clean design, but that's just my personality.

In my panel (which is out for delivery today!) I have EVERYTHING including dual comms, audio panel, and full ADS-B in/out+weather+traffic and a 2-axis autopilot, AOA, and the nifty GAD27. Basically everything Garmin has to offer for experimental.

The temporary glove box in the middle is for my GTN625, all pre-wired and ready to go!

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Remote mounted

I went with the clean design as well. With the remote mount you have some inputs you can wire to switch and specify the use if you have a critical need.