
Well Known Member
Over the Winter my 7A's radio system has Developed garbled and fuzzy reception.

Radio 1 Garmin SL40
Radio 2 Garmin 250XL
Audio Panel PMA 6000

Both seem garbled(although the 250xl sounds a little better...or it might be my imagination)

Have a set of ancient Bose X's.
Thought it cleared up for a short while on the last flight. I was hoping someone would say "that's your antennae ground" or something simple like that before I start an expensive process of elimination of headsets. audio panel, tuning radios etc.

You might check your headset plugs, they may have light corrosion, try cleaning them up with a little scotchbrite.
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I forgot to mention my ancient bose X headsets are connected with the panel-powered 6 pin LEMO plugs. I have sprayed contact cleaner in the plugs.
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If it?s good with engine OFF then it?ll seem to point to your charging (alternator, plug wires, etc) system.
Did you swap in some fancy LEDs this winter? Is it the same with the engine OFF or the engine ON?

This one sure rings true. I once had a wingman who's radio became completely useless when the baggage area (LED) lights were on!
It?s not the static created from an LED(have heard that when I installed trustfires) but rather garbled, fuzzy reception when someone makes a transmission elsewhere.
I *believe* your PS audio panel has a fail-safe feed-thru. Turn off the audio panel, listen to com #1. Better? If so the problem is in or around the audio panel.
Yes, plan to borrow a headset with the LEMO plug when I can find one.

Thanks Bob Turner for that useful advice about the Audio Panel. I didn't know it had a failsafe, and will research it further.
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