
Well Known Member
Doing my final wing fitting on my 6A this week. I have a gap where the wing skin covers the flap. The gap is about a 1/16" or a bit bigger and runs from the fuse out 12" or so. It coincides with the skin doublers there, so it is not surprising there is a gap with all the material under the skin in that spot. I tried bending it by hand, but with all the doublers, I couldn't get it to move.

I assume this will cause some turbulant flow so it should get fixed. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any suggestions for addressing it.


That is it. I didn't think that I was the first to experience it. After looking at both of your sites, I looked a bit closer at that area by the aileron and I have a bit there to address as well.

I'll see if I can rig something up in the garage to bend at the flange. If I can't rig something, I'll get the loaner from Van's.

Thanks for the help here.
