
Well Known Member
I've purchased a heated Garmin GAP 26 Pitot/AOA tube to replace my Gertz. I'm not using the AOA so what's the recommended install procedure for the AOA tubing? Cap it in some fashion to keep dirt and critters out?

Also for the pitot/static test, the install manual has this Caution:
When the GSU 25 is used in conjunction with the GAP 26 pitot/AOA probe to perform Part 43 Appendix E altimeter tests, the probe adapter from the pitot-static tester must completely cover the pitot and AOA ports and drain holes on the GAP 26 to avoid over pressuring (and causing damage to) the internal AOA sensor of the GSU 25. If the GAP 26 is installed but AOA is unused (i.e., the AOA port of the GAP 26 is not connected to the AOA port of the GSU 25) then the GAP 26 AOA port must be capped to avoid leaks through the AOA port during pitot-static testing.

*Note: If the AOA is unused and connected to the static port (as described in the preceding Caution statement) it can remain connected to the static port for the pitot-static test."

If I read this right, as I'm not connecting the AOA up, I just cap the AOA port for the test. If that's correct, what's the best method for capping? Tape?
That?s correct. Tape would be my preferred method. If you don?t cap it, then the AOA port will let the pressure out for the pitot test.
Tape can leak, leaves a residue, ages, etc.. I prefer to use the appropriate size tubing that has a plug in it.
Tape can leak, leaves a residue, ages, etc.. I prefer to use the appropriate size tubing that has a plug in it.

So there?s 2 points to cap: the tubing end and the port itself. For the tubing I was thinking of some kind of semi-permanent plug like an appropriate sized screw with a small bit of RTV. For the port I was thinking tape that would just be used during the test and then removed right after. Thoughts?
So there?s 2 points to cap: the tubing end and the port itself. For the tubing I was thinking of some kind of semi-permanent plug like an appropriate sized screw with a small bit of RTV. For the port I was thinking tape that would just be used during the test and then removed right after. Thoughts?

Perfect, use a screw that has a smooth grip area on it, threads will leak.