
Well Known Member
For those of you who get GANews or see it at your FBO, this weeks edition has yours truly on the cover in color, with a two page article on the inside. They talked to me at Airventure and the story is just now coming out.

Pretty cool!
Which issue?

Hey Randy,

Is it in the Dec 7 issue or is the next one out already? I've been looking for the Dec 7 issue for the past week because I have an article in it ("Most Important Place at the Airport") and wanted to see how they laid it out. I haven't seen it at any of the airports I've been to. It's online at www.generalaviationnews.com but the articles on the web site are text only.

I didn't see any headings that looked like they would be the article on you.

Never mind -- I went back and found it. Too bad the pics are missing!

- Brett
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I saw it!

I saw it Randy!
You and your bird look great in it !!
Way to go, the only problem with the story was I think they said it was going to be your last plane:D Somehow I think that might be wrong!
All the Best and Merry Christmas
When we get some nice weather I will buy the breakfast at Urbana!
I got it today, one of the guys at the airport grabbed it for me. He seemed surprised that I knew whose airplane it was after only a quick glance!

Nice pictures and a nice tribute to the airplane and your building skills and paint design, Randy.

