
Hi Donald,
It updates continuously. If you change the scale..i.e. zoom out or in, it will hesitate momentarily and then start cycling again. Mine will show something like 20...15....12....6....2 which all represent minutes ago. You'll see the weather in motion as the numbers count down.

Yes, to trouble with XM today

drop outs every 10 seconds or so all afternoon. Suspected it was them not my set up in the car since it has been troublefree for months.

XM Trouble today

Tried it once today briefly, first time I've seen an outage in my shop. I put the antenna outside and got a signal. I assumed that I still had a satellite signal but that the local antenna (most major cities apparently have one) was down.

Would love to hear more is someone knows more.

Sporadic all afternoon

Drove to Orlando and back today. Ten hours on the road. Was OK until about 1:00PM EDT. Had breaks like driving under a bridge all afternoon long, on at least 15 different channels. Working OK now.
Thanks for the information guys. I wasn't going to buy one if it only updated every 1/2 hour or so. Sounds to me like its almost real time.

Thanks again.
XM and 496

I purchased mine at Sun N Fun and sent it back to be replaced last week. Would not pick up weather - has before, just wouldn't on a 2 1/2 hour flight. Kept saying, "Waiting for Data". :mad: Then started losing satalites for the regular GPS. The place I purchased it told me to send it back and they would send me out a new one. Waiting to get that one back.
I've had both the 396 and the 496..

and have had zero problems with both units. Not sure I could live without the onboard weather and TFR's these days, I'm definately spoiled :D