
Well Known Member
interested in hearing opinions on whether it's better to repair an SL40 at garmin's cost of $800 plus shipping costs or just spring for a new radio?

Either find a nice clean SL-40 or ICOM 200 or 210 to slide into your existing tray, which should be equal or less than the flat rate of $800, or pay a little more and get a new GTR-200 or GTR-200B.


checking with the seller to see if it's still there...thanks!


Be sure it has the SL-40 backplate. There is another backplate on the radio that can be changed out to make it compatible with the SL-40 tray. If it has the ICOM backplate it will not be a slide in replacement. The SL-40 backplate has a DB15 connector and the ICOM has the standard flat connector that requires the Molex pins.

If you would like a photo of the differences in the back plate and I will send them to you on Thursday. Just email me at [email protected].

will only use the backplate for the appropriate...

radio. didn't even consider sliding an A200 into the SL40 tray, though now that you wiser heads have brought up the possibility i might consider it someday. the A200 though will be replacing a 70's era unit so i will use the whole package to be sure i get it right. thanks for the inputs.
Garmin SL-40: repair or replace.

Just another data point, my SL-40 went south on me. It had gotten wet (long story).

I sent it into Garmin for repair. They sent it back saying they would not repair it because it had been wet. I could not justify spending the amount that the used units were demanding when I could buy a new GTR-200 for $1200.00.

It will arrive on Monday.

There's a guy outside of Austin Texas who fixes the 40 for a $500 flat rate. You send it to him and if he can't repair it he'll send it back no cost except FEDEX both ways you paid for. I fixed mine last summer like that.

If you decide you don't want to fix it and go buy another radio, before you throw it away I'll take it and I'll send it in for repairs and keep it as a spare.
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