
Well Known Member
I'm apparently not finding something in the Dynon manual. I think I have my K-factor set pretty well since the amount used for a flight compares pretty well with the amount I put in, but the "Gallons remaining" readout is now something like -54 gallons. I do use the "add fuel" button so my tank readout on the primary display is accurate. I rarely fill the tank to the top since that makes the airplane right wing heavy until I burn 4 or 5 gallons out, and it's easier to crank in a few gallons after each flight than to fill it all the way. Is the only way to get the "fuel remaining" readout to the correct value is to fill the tank completely and then hit "full"? Pain to to that each time I want to add fuel. "Ignore that readout" seems to be a better option. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks Wayne 120241/ 143WM
Just hand enter whatever you need to bring it up to the real number of gallons remaining. Actual + error...

The gauge readout is independent of this part of the fuel computer.

You can also press full and then turn around and add a negative amount of fuel to subtract out what you did not put in.
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