
Well Known Member
Before we get into the who's where segment of this post, we wanted to start by thanking everyone for their support. The three of us would not be as successful as we are if it weren?t for you. We wanted to let you all know how much we appreciate each and every one of you. Vans are our top priority. We consider ourselves specialists in this field because we insure around 2000 RVs and this is the majority of what we handle day after day. To some, an insurance company is just an insurance company, but to us, we truly care about our clients and want to make sure you are properly covered in the event of a claim. From having our own claims advisor that works for you, to creating amazing relationships with our underwriters, Gallagher takes every step possible to make sure we are doing are the very best for you. We?re always willing to go the extra mile to try to find a solution to your specific needs.

Now that we're less than a week away form the excitement of Oshkosh, we wanted to let everyone know where to find us. If you?re looking for the girls, you should be able to find Jenny and Katie at the RV Social on Monday night, Shanna and Katie at the Vans Banquet Tuesday, and all of them at Gallagher?s client appreciation event on Wednesday. Other than that they will be roaming the crowds, meeting new people, chatting with familiar faces and learning as much as they can about the one thing we all share a passion for?Vans. If you need help finding them, you can always call Jenny at 636-357-7232 and they'd be happy to find a way to meet with you.

If you need anything regarding your insurance during the week of Oshkosh, feel free to call the main line at 877-475-5860 as I will be staying in St. Louis (in an air conditioned office :)) to help.

Have fun, stay cool and happy flying! It looks like you have some beautiful weather to look forward to.
When I read the headline, I thought watermelons and the "Sledge-O-Matic" were coming to Oshkosh! :D
Gallagher at Oshkosh

Thanks for the post Leah! Just a quick reminder Gallagher can handle all aircraft types so if you own multiple aircraft models we can help you out! See you all next week! :)
Same exact first thought... :D

Maybe we should start saying Gallagher Aviation :) We would bring the sledge hammer but not allowed on the plane and we are unable to get the copy rights to the sledge-O-Matic :) :)
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I once got hit by an olive while watching the Sledge-O-Matic demo at a Gallagher show. Great product!
I've seen Gallager in-person on the 3rd row.....with the trash bag. It was a blast...literally!

Jenny, Is this fake news? LOL!
I ran into Gallagher in a casino in Vegas one morning. He looked like ****. Borrowed a cigarette from me. Funny guy. A long, long time ago....:D