
Well Known Member
I've been debating about how to incorporate ADS-B weather into my plane. I love my Ipad Mini with ForeFlight, but it's pretty much impossible to read under the plexi.

Does anyone have firsthand experience with the 7" Samsung Galaxy 4? At around $150 at Costco it's a steal compared to the Ipad, but I need it in the plane so useable brightness is the key feature I'm looking for.

Any thoughts?
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I've been debating about how to incorporate ADS-B weather into my plane. I love my Ipad Mini with ForeFlight, but it's pretty much impossible to read under the plexi.

Does anyone have firsthand experience with the 7" Samsung Galaxy 4? At around $150 at Costco it's a steal compared to the Ipad, but I need it in the plane so useable brightness is the key feature I'm looking for.

Any thoughts?

I have a Mini and a friend has the Galaxy. I'd say it does appear marginally brighter to my tired eyes (which is entirely and utterly subjective), but unfortunately neither of them appear terribly good in direct sunlight (at least that's my experience).

similar but different test:

The Nexus 7 (2013) does appear somewhat easier to read in direct sunlight compared to an iPad Air. Neither is as good as a real sunlight readable display like a Garmin 695 or 796.

I ran a series of tests and even video'd the results. The best viewability (?) I achieved in direct sunlight was to use Garmin Pilot with the WHITE background. It used the battery more quickly but also generated the greatest contrast and visibility in direct sunlight.
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Nexus 7 on knee pad

I use a Nexus 7 with Garmin Pilot. I adapted a very simple Sportys knee pad intended for a mini that I wear on my left knee and I have a Kroeger(sp?) sun screen. I find the brown background most useable.
All of the tablets made for consumer market are roughly going to be the same for in cockpit readability. There is only minor differences in the brightness. Ipad has decent brightness but is "air bonded" (touch screen and display have a gap of air between them) the nexus 7 is similar brightness but is "optically bonded" (touch screen is glued directly to the LCD display)

So, honestly, it will come down to price and your system of choice.
The best spec'ed tablets are turning out to be the MS Windows versions. Mostly because these tend to be bought for business vs. average consumer web browsing. But this does not help us much.

The best you can do is to control the reflections. Optically bonded is better for this but adding a anti-reflection film works too.

Now if I can just convince someone to make a 800nit, optically bonded, zero edge (no borders) tablet. :)
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I don't know about the Tab 4 but my Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 is outstanding even in bright sunlight.